Issues getting max485 to work

Hello, I have been tasked of communicating information from 8 slaves to 1 master but I have the limitation of being using an Arduino uno so I can't communicate using using uart only so I was informed that I could use Max485 to make it possibly.

I sent in the attachments the connections I made for each max485 I don't know if Im missing something.

First of all I can actually communicate information between 2 arduinos each one with a max485 but only when my slave is sending and my master is receiving if i try to do both things, that is, change from transmission mode to receive mode and then transmission mode again in the master i only get an empty string but if i print the char by char it actually gets the message there.

Can someone give me some advice? Thanks!

Hello, I have been tasked of communicating information from 8 slaves that will send the data once they have assimilated all the sensor values to the master but I have the limitation of being using an Arduino uno so I can't communicate using using uart only so I was informed that I could use Max485 to make it possibly.

The aplication is that my 8 slave will send that once they have assimilated all the sensor values and then send them and I have to store them in the n

I sent in the attachments the connections I made for each max485 I don't know if Im missing something.

First of all I can actually communicate information between 2 arduinos each one with a max485 but when I'm transmiting data many times the data is unreliable like 1/5 times i press a button o send the data there are errors in the data. I have heard i have to implement modbus protocols for it to work properly.

Can someone give me some advice? Thanks!

I sent in the attachments the connections I made for each max485 I don't know if Im missing something.

This wiring is only valid for one end node of the bus (probably master). The other end node must have the idling resistors removed. All other nodes must have the idling and termination resistors removed!

I have heard that I had to have 120ohm resistor in both ends of the bus if I'm not wrong. And by idling resister do you mean the 20kohm resistors? or those are the termination resistors?

R7 is the termination, R5 and R6 are the idling resistors.

I have heard that I had to have 120ohm resistor in both ends of the bus if I'm not wrong

Correct, that's what I wrote.