Joystick BT Commander robot controll

Hello everyone,

I have started a project recently building my first BT controlled Robot .
For this project i decided to use the Joystick BT commander .
Controling the motors is ok but i have a problem with the data that need to be displayed on the Android Phone .
I am not getting any data on the android phone. ,
Also i am trying including an ultrasonic sensor wich will measure the distance and avoide the obstacles .
Still have not figured out on how to implement the Auto mode on a push of a button in order to turn it on and then turn it off .
Attached is the code , if anyone has any suggestions will be welcome to comment on this topic .
I am using version 5.5 and demo code V2 .

Happy holidays


What BT module are you using? HC-05?

Did you successfully pair your BT module with your phone?

Hello ,

Yes i am using HC-05 ate 9600 Baudrate .
The pair is succesfull, i also can control the motors but no data displayed on android app .

Can you post a picture of the wiring? If that’s not the problem, the problem might be with the app and how you are using it.

Can you post a picture of the wiring? If that’s not the problem, the problem might be with the app and how you are using it.

I am using an Atmega 328P as a stand alone .
unfortunatly i dont have a schematic for the wiring, i am sure that it is not a problem of the wiring because i have over checked the wiring .

The problem seems to be with the code and the app .

Maybe it’s the wiring and maybe it isn’t. How can I be sure if you don’t post a picture of your wiring (as in with a camera)? It takes 5 min, just post some pics and maybe a schematic.

As for the code, did you download the code and the app? Did you mess around with either? Can you provide links to where you got both pieces of software?