Can I take this code and make so that I can transmit the data of the push buttons onto another arduino micro. Basically I would like this joystick's controller (arduino micro) to be able to talk to the other joystick controller (arduino micro) over i2c and take make it so the controllers appear as one in windows. If so, how do I accomplish this? I'm new to the coding thing.
/* Buttons to USB Joystick Example
You must select Joystick from the "Tools > USB Type" menu
This example code is in the public domain.
#include <Bounce.h>
// Create Bounce objects for each button. The Bounce object
// automatically deals with contact chatter or "bounce", and
// it makes detecting changes very simple.
Bounce button0 = Bounce(0, 10);
Bounce button1 = Bounce(1, 10); // 10 = 10 ms debounce time
Bounce button2 = Bounce(2, 10); // which is appropriate for
Bounce button3 = Bounce(3, 10); // most mechanical pushbuttons
Bounce button4 = Bounce(4, 10);
Bounce button5 = Bounce(5, 10);
Bounce button6 = Bounce(6, 10);
Bounce button7 = Bounce(7, 10);
Bounce button8 = Bounce(8, 10);
Bounce button9 = Bounce(9, 10);
void setup() {
// Configure the pins for input mode with pullup resistors.
// The pushbuttons connect from each pin to ground. When
// the button is pressed, the pin reads LOW because the button
// shorts it to ground. When released, the pin reads HIGH
// because the pullup resistor connects to +5 volts inside
// the chip. LOW for "on", and HIGH for "off" may seem
// backwards, but using the on-chip pullup resistors is very
// convenient. The scheme is called "active low", and it's
// very commonly used in electronics... so much that the chip
// has built-in pullup resistors!
pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(3, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(4, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(5, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(6, INPUT_PULLUP); // Teensy++ LED, may need 1k resistor pullup
pinMode(7, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(8, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP);
// Please be aware the X, Y, Z, Zr and Slider axes will have default
// settings, if you only use the buttons. This can give the appearance
// of the buttons interfering with the axes, if your PC software shows
// different default assumed values before your first button press.
// More details here:
void loop() {
// Update all the buttons. There should not be any long
// delays in loop(), so this runs repetitively at a rate
// faster than the buttons could be pressed and released.
// Check each button for "falling" edge.
// Update the Joystick buttons only upon changes.
// falling = high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor)
// to low (pressed - button connects pin to ground)
if (button0.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(1, 1);
if (button1.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(2, 1);
if (button2.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(3, 1);
if (button3.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(4, 1);
if (button4.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(5, 1);
if (button5.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(6, 1);
if (button6.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(7, 1);
if (button7.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(8, 1);
if (button8.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(9, 1);
if (button9.fallingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(10, 1);
// Check each button for "rising" edge
// Update the Joystick buttons only upon changes.
// rising = low (pressed - button connects pin to ground)
// to high (not pressed - voltage from pullup resistor)
if (button0.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(1, 0);
if (button1.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(2, 0);
if (button2.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(3, 0);
if (button3.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(4, 0);
if (button4.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(5, 0);
if (button5.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(6, 0);
if (button6.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(7, 0);
if (button7.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(8, 0);
if (button8.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(9, 0);
if (button9.risingEdge()) {
Joystick.button(10, 0);