Ky-008 laser module power supply issue


I'm experimenting with the Ky-008 laser module.

This module has 3 pins:

  • VCC: Module power supply – 5 V
  • GND: Ground
  • S: Signal pin (to activate and disactivate laser)

Issue description:

When powering it using 5v and gnd from the arduino it works as expected (lighting on and off).
But, when trying to use my regular desk power supply (providing 5V) the laser diode is not lighting up.

I've used my multimeter to control power is flowing from the supply, to the breadboard, to the laser module. I got 5V displayed all the way.

I really woud like to understand what mistake I'm doing.

Thanks in advance.

Minus five volts?

I don't know anything about that module, but if it needs the signal input to turn-on (if it's not turned-on by default) you'll need a common ground between the Arduino and the laser module (also common to the other power supply).

It seems:
Pin 1 - SIG
Pin 2 - not connected
Pin 3 - GND

A link to the explanation.

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