The stepper I brought yesterday has 5 wires (5v 28YBJ-48), some of the tutorials on the web can use L293D to drive a stepper motor, but they ALL use 4 wire ones. My motor has an extra red wire, the datasheet said the red wire is common wire, I tried to wire it to the common ground but the motor's still not working.
What you have is a unipolar stepper motor, and the L293D and similar H-bridge chips are for bipolar stepper motors. See the unipolar stepper circuit at
[EDIT: that circuit uses darlington drivers, but I prefer to avoid Darlingtons - especially when the supply is as low as 5v - because of their high saturation voltage. You could use four NPN transistors with 470 ohm base resistors instead; or four 2n7000 mosfets.]
To summarise steppers come in 4, 5, 6 and 8 wire versions.
4 - bipolar only
5 - unipolar only (*)
6 - unipolar/series-bipolar
8 - unipolar/series-bipolar/parallel-bipolar
You have the one sort that doesn't work with bipolar drivers (in theory). However all is not lost - so long as you only drive on phase at a time and keep the fifth wire unconnected, you may get it to work. Do not connect the common wire to ground at all for bipolar use.