Yesterday I had issues getting a piece of software to send data to an Arduino but I finally got it working
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
int CodeIn;// used on all serial reads
int KpinNo;
int Koutpin;
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2);
String KoldpinStateSTR, KpinStateSTR, Kstringnewstate,Kstringoldstate;
String altit, altitold, vertsp, vertspold, hdgset, hdgsetold, flaps, flapsold;
void setup()
Kstringoldstate = "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
for (int KoutPin = 22; KoutPin < 70; KoutPin++)// Get these pins ready as inputs
pinMode(KoutPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(KoutPin, HIGH);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
void loop() {
{INPUTS();} //Check the "Inputs" section
if (Serial.available()) {
CodeIn = getChar();
if (CodeIn == '<') {LESSTHAN();}// The first identifier is "<"
if (CodeIn == '?') {QUESTION();}// The first identifier is "?"
if (CodeIn == '/') {SLASH();}// The first identifier is "/" (Annunciators)
}//end of serial read bit
}//end of void loop
char getChar()// Get a character from the serial buffer
while(Serial.available() == 0);// wait for data
return((char);// Thanks Doug
void LESSTHAN(){
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get the second identifier
switch(CodeIn) {// Now lets find what to do with it
case 'D': // found AP altitude setting
delay (11);
altit = "";
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
if (altit != altitold){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
delay (11);//My LCD seems to need his
lcd.print("Alt " + altit);
altitold = altit;
case 'G': // found vertical speed setting
delay (11);
vertsp = "";
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
if (vertsp != vertspold){
lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Fp " + vertsp);
vertspold = vertsp;
case 'P': // found AP heading setting
delay (11);
hdgset = "";
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
if (hdgset != hdgsetold){
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
delay (11);
lcd.print("Spd " + hdgset);
hdgsetold = hdgset;
}//end of case switch
}// end of void equals
void QUESTION(){ // The first identifier was "?"
//do something
}// end of question
void SLASH(){ // The first identifier was "/" (Annunciator)
//Do something
void INPUTS()
Kstringnewstate = "";
for (int KpinNo = 22; KpinNo < 70; KpinNo++){// Pins 22 thru to 69 are all inputs
KpinStateSTR = String(digitalRead(KpinNo));
KoldpinStateSTR = String(Kstringoldstate.charAt(KpinNo - 22));//the 22 needs to be the same as the 22 in the "for" loop line.
if (KpinStateSTR != KoldpinStateSTR)
// add more direct inputs here but raise the pinNo (35) in the above live and the line below.
//now the "keys" bit. Note the pinNo 35 in the line above and the line below.
if (KpinNo > 35){
Serial.print ("D");
if (KpinNo < 10) Serial.print ("0");
Serial.print (KpinNo);
Serial.println (KpinStateSTR);
}//end of "keys" bit
}//end of yes it's different
Kstringnewstate += KpinStateSTR;
}//end of "for" loop
Kstringoldstate = Kstringnewstate;
}//end of OUTPUTS void
However, the normal LCD connections take up way too much space and disable most of my Arduino pins since I want to connect several LCD's I decided to go the I2C route. Unfortunately, upon converting my code to I2C The data will write at first but not update. I know It has something to do with clearing the LCD and writing the available serial information but I just can figure out where to write it.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <LCD.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#define I2C_ADDR 0x3F
int CodeIn;// used on all serial reads
int KpinNo;
int Koutpin;
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x3F, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE); // Set the LCD I2C address
String KoldpinStateSTR, KpinStateSTR, Kstringnewstate,Kstringoldstate;
String altit, altitold, vertsp, vertspold, hdgset, hdgsetold, flaps, flapsold;
void setup()
Kstringoldstate = "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111";
for (int KoutPin = 22; KoutPin < 70; KoutPin++)// Get these pins ready as inputs
pinMode(KoutPin, INPUT);
digitalWrite(KoutPin, HIGH);
lcd.begin(16, 2);
lcd.print(" ");
void loop() {
{INPUTS();} //Check the "Inputs" section
if (Serial.available()) {
CodeIn = getChar();
if (CodeIn == '<') {LESSTHAN();}// The first identifier is "<"
if (CodeIn == '?') {QUESTION();}// The first identifier is "?"
if (CodeIn == '/') {SLASH();}// The first identifier is "/" (Annunciators)
}//end of serial read bit
}//end of void loop
char getChar()// Get a character from the serial buffer
while(Serial.available() == 0);// wait for data
return((char);// Thanks Doug
void LESSTHAN(){
CodeIn = getChar(); // Get the second identifier
switch(CodeIn) {// Now lets find what to do with it
case 'D': // found AP altitude setting
delay (11);
altit = "";
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
altit += getChar();
if (altit != altitold){
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("Alt " + altit);
altitold = altit;
case 'G': // found vertical speed setting
delay (11);
vertsp = "";
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
vertsp += getChar();
if (vertsp != vertspold){
lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
lcd.print("Fp " + vertsp);
vertspold = vertsp;
case 'P': // found AP heading setting
delay (11);
hdgset = "";
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
hdgset += getChar();
if (hdgset != hdgsetold){
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("Spd " + hdgset);
hdgsetold = hdgset;
}//end of case switch
}// end of void equals
void QUESTION(){ // The first identifier was "?"
//do something
}// end of question
void SLASH(){ // The first identifier was "/" (Annunciator)
//Do something
void INPUTS()
Kstringnewstate = "";
for (int KpinNo = 22; KpinNo < 70; KpinNo++){// Pins 22 thru to 69 are all inputs
KpinStateSTR = String(digitalRead(KpinNo));
KoldpinStateSTR = String(Kstringoldstate.charAt(KpinNo - 22));//the 22 needs to be the same as the 22 in the "for" loop line.
if (KpinStateSTR != KoldpinStateSTR)
// add more direct inputs here but raise the pinNo (35) in the above live and the line below.
//now the "keys" bit. Note the pinNo 35 in the line above and the line below.
if (KpinNo > 35){
Serial.print ("D");
if (KpinNo < 10) Serial.print ("0");
Serial.print (KpinNo);
Serial.println (KpinStateSTR);
}//end of "keys" bit
}//end of yes it's different
Kstringnewstate += KpinStateSTR;
}//end of "for" loop
Kstringoldstate = Kstringnewstate;
}//end of OUTPUTS void