Leap Motion and Arduino - Alternative

Hi Guys, I have been building a car equipped with robot arm, and I was planning to control the whole system using hand gesture-based control system. At first, I planned to use Leap-motion as it can be pocketed, only to find out that I need to carry laptop to use the Leap motion.

Is there any alternative to Leap motion (it has to be hand-gesture based for my thesis) that I simply connect the battery and I can control the robot? I was thinking something like building a glove with MPU6050, but first I need to know whether there really is a device that does not require the user to wear the device in order to work.

In other words : portability and optical hand-gesture sensor

Leap is unknown to me. Thinking about controlling a helicopter several different movements/dimensions are used using both hands and feet. Joystick and potentiometers look possible to me.
Not what You ask for.....


whether there really is a device that does not require the user to wear the device in order to work.

Well, yes, the Leap Motion Controller. You might look into whether it can be interfaced to MCUs like Arduino. But I imagine that the smarts are all in the laptop software, and that you are seriously underestimating the computing power required to do what the Leap does.

Or, for that matter, the difficulty associated with reliable gesture detection and interpretation. The Leap is cheap, taking all that into consideration.

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