Hi everyone, would appreciate some advice
I'm currently playing with ardunio for a hobby but also implement very basic circuits and microcontrollers for my job, but it's very basic and I rely a lot on using other peoples' code and I don't understand the space enough to create my own beyond very rudimentary scripts
I've decided to attempt to learn programming to improve my arduino chops. I watched a few "here's what I wish I'd have know before I started to learn" videos and a couple suggested:
- Completing the CS50 course, then;
- Learning python
But obviously, Arduino uses C++ so is it more efficient to learn that instead? I assume they're quite similar.
I build escape rooms so microcontrollers are fantastic for controlling the physical input/output devices, but I'd imagine I'd want to start controlling my puzzles and integrating them together (I've heard a lot of my colleagues use a program called Node) via an IoT/WiFi setup. These are my two main goals for learning to code
Any advice for me? I'm planning on scheduling 1 to 5 hours a week to learning computer science stuff, mostly using youtube tutorials