I'm trying to compare two array values, one originates as a const char*, the other is saved as a String (to make things work in this simple first draft).
I'm trying to see if there is a stored value in the array named onList[] like "Bin 4" for example. I'm storing values in the onList[] temporarily to display a short list of active inputs (which is working). Everything is working, except I need to know if an item is already in the onList[] or not.
My code
const char* arInput[]={"Bin 1", "Bin 2", "Bin 3", "Bin 4", "Bin 5", "Bin 6", "Bin 7", "Bin 8", "Bin 9", "Bin 10", "Bin 11", "Bin 12"};
String onList[12]; // examples: "Bin 2", "Bin 4", etc.
byte check_onList(byte col){ // -------- Function to know if input is in onList or not -----------
if (strcmp(onList[0], "Bin 4")== 0) { // compile error line
// if (strcmp(onList[0], arInput[i])== 0) { // alternate comparison
//int strcmp(const char *str1, const char *str2) // example
return 1;}
else {
return 0;
I'm getting the compile error:
cannot convert 'String' to 'const char*' for argument '1' to 'int strcmp(const char*, const char*)'
what is the correct method/syntax?
Greatly appreciated.
I understand this is not what you are looking for, but if your const array (in flash) is in sorted order, then you can approach the search as a binary-search, cutting the search time by half (average.)
My old example is just brute-force. I have attached an ESP8266 sketch that takes searches to the next level by building indexing.
I understand the String onList[12] should be a char to match the source data array, arInput[], but days back when I was roughing this in, I had the char onList[12] and I could not push arInput[i] values directly into it, until I made it a String array. I have corrected it.
So, now with strcmp I'm trying to use a function with a value passed, to compare the passed value to an array value. So knowing there is a certain value (Bin 1) in this location: onList[0], I'm testing the below code which gives 0 response regardless of onList[] contents..
char * onList[12];
byte check_onList(char on){ // -------- See if an input listed or not -----------
Serial.println(on); // Displays an "i" , not 'Bin 1' as expected, ?
for (int io = 0; io < 4; io++) {
if (strcmp(on, onList[io])== 0) {
Serial.print("Match at index ");
// return 1;}
// else {
// return 0;
button2State = digitalRead(inPin2); //----------- Clear onList Button -------------------
if (button2State == LOW) {
// clear_onList(); //----- Clear onList Array values -----
Serial.println(check_onList("Bin 1")); // Returns '0' while onList[0] has 'Bin 1' value
const char* arInput[]={"Bin 1", "Bin 2", "Bin 3", "Bin 4", "Bin 5", "Bin 6", "Bin 7", "Bin 8", "Bin 9", "Bin 10", "Bin 11", "Bin 12"};
char * onList[12];
byte check_onList(char * on){//(byte col){ // -------- See if an input listed or not -----------
for (int io = 0; io < 12; io++) {
if (int(strcmp(on, onList[io])== 0)) { //if (strcmp("Rm xx", arInput[i])== 0) {
// Serial.print("Match at index ");
// Serial.println(io);
return 1;} // found in onList[]
else {
return 0; // not found in onList[]
I'm trying to understand why my byte check_onList(char * on)
function returns a '0' regardless of input. I think this method/example was returning the index value, maybe not the '0' for actual string match, '-1' no match, etc.
const char* arInput[]={"Bin 1", "Bin 2", "Bin 3", "Bin 4", "Bin 5", "Bin 6", "Bin 7", "Bin 8", "Bin 9", "Bin 10", "Bin 11", "Bin 12"};
char * onList[12]; // holds active inputs that are ON, to be displayed
const int inPin2 = 7;
int button2State = 0;
byte check_onList(char * on){ // ----- Is Input in onList[] or not? ---
for (int io = 0; io < 12; io++) {
if (int(strcmp(on, onList[io]) == 0)) {
return 1;
return 0;
button2State = digitalRead(inPin2); //----------- Test Button 2 -------------------
if (button2State == LOW) {
Serial.println(check_onList(arInput[1])); // 'Bin 2' value in arInput[1] location
So sending check_onList(char * on) with either a literal "value" or a value from the reference array like arInput[2] now results in a '1' if the value is in the onList[] array, or a '0' if the value is not in the in the onList[] array.
My end goal is temporarily logging and displaying the input status of a Modbus digital input module. Maybe the next version will permanently log each event with date/time.