LED Beer Pong Table

I wanted to make a beer pong table like the one pictured below, but I wanted to go a bit bigger on the leds. The beer pong table pictured used custom PCB's so I have some questions about using a teensy for this project. Right now my idea was to replace the matrix in the middle with a 62x32 led matrix using 60 led per meter strips. This would give me 1984 led's. To control this I figured I would use two teensies synched up with the OctoWS2811 library for the matrix, then I'd use a third teensy to control all of the other led's, like where the cups go.

So here are the questions I have about doing this:

  1. Do the teensies actually process the video or does a computer need to be used to process the video and the teensy just controls the led's?
  2. Can I use inferred sensors with the teensy and the OctoWS2811 library so that I could do a scoreboard like in the picture?
  3. Is there anything else I should look into before I start this?

process Video?
All I see is LEDs.
There must be more to this than you have described.
--- bill

is this what you are talking about ?

there is a youtube video.

all the 'action' on the table is from the LED's and the normal drivers.

I know about the video and the actual table, the custom PCB's are out of stock on their website and plus I figured if I actually built it myself I would be able to improve it later.

bperrybap, sorry, guess I wasn't to clear about that. The main two things I want the matrix to be able to do is the score board using the infrared sensors under the cups, and be able to act as a visualizer for music. The question was, if the teensies are controlling the led's; is the teensy handling actually creating the scoreboard and creating the visualize, or is a computer doing that and the teensy just pushing it to the leds? But, while trying to see how to phrase that question better, I think I found the answer.

So now, if anybody has some advise on how to use the infrared sensors under the cups with a teensy, it would be appreciated.

I know about the video and the actual table,

yes YOU knew about the video, but we did not.
when you ask questions, giving us all the information helps get a logical response.
you're welcome for my help in explaining your question so everyone else can understand.