LED Strobe - Precise Frequency Setting - Digital display


I am wanting to create a little LED Strobe, however, really need to be able to precisely set it.

My intention is using it to tune the tension of a ribbon for a ribbon microphone.

I was thinking maybe up and down buttons to increase/decrease the frequency.

And a digital display (like a small LCD)

I know how to program the outputs using a delay, can wire in a MOSFET or driver transistor for the LEDS (I really don't need many LEDS) and could sort out reading the buttons to decrease/increase the delay. But how do I turn this into Hz and then display it on the LCD panel?

I only need a range between 10 and 30Hz

Is the arduinio a good candidate for this type of project.

Could anyone provide some guidance on where I could get some help.

Thanks Tons.


1/freq = time required.

1/10 = 100ms = 100000us
1/30 = ~33ms =33330us

Hiya Michael,

Here is a quick and dirty demo of the time/frequency conversion math that Larry showed above. It uses the built-in led, a trim pot with one end grounded and the wiper on pin A2, and it reports the frequency via the serial monitor:

#define ledPin 13  // built-in led
#define dial A2  // pin  -->  10K ohm pot  >  gnd

unsigned long startPulseMicros = micros();
long pulseInterval = 106000L; // 9.4Hz

int frequency = 10;
boolean ledOn = false;

void setup()
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(dial, INPUT_PULLUP);

void loop() {
  if (micros() - startPulseMicros >= pulseInterval) {
    startPulseMicros += pulseInterval;
    ledOn = !ledOn;
    digitalWrite(ledPin, ledOn);

    frequency = map (analogRead(dial), 0, 227, 5, 50);  // trial and error calibration
    pulseInterval = 500000L / frequency;  // each interval is 1/2 the period


int frequency = 10;

Why an int?

    frequency = map (analogRead(dial), 0, 227, 5, 50);  // trial and error calibration

Why map()? The arithmetic is not that hard.

Why an int?

It's the reflexive use of int. Superfluous and lamentable, but hardly unique around here.

Why map()? The arithmetic is not that hard.

The guy's putting something out there.
If you have a better idea, post it.

Less words, more figures.

frequency = 5.0 + (analogRead(dial) * 0.1982);