LEDControl Library NOT FOUND!

Hello lovely Arduinoer's.

I have exausted google and this forum alike over the past few weeks, and I'm clearly just missing something obvious.

I'm stuck at hurdle NO.1 when creating a simple led matrix using an LEDControl library with an Arduino UNO and Max7221.

I have self diagnosed that it can't find the appropriate library or folders:
(could be completley wrong tho) :frowning:
I have gotten to the point of putting the LEDControl files in every place possible to try to over come this, inlcuding;

*Main Arduino containing folder
(all files in folder labelled LEDControl)
*Main Arduino folder
(all appropriate files out of folder)
(in folder labelled LEDControl)
(all appropriate files out of folder)

I have 3 files & 1 folder in the LEDControl folder
FOLDER (examples)

Here is the code which I am trying to verify.

[color=#7E7E7E]//We always have to include the library[/color]
#include [color=#006699]"LedControl.h"[/color]

[color=#7E7E7E] Now we need a LedControl to work with.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] ***** These pin numbers will probably not work with your hardware *****[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] pin 12 is connected to the DataIn [/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] pin 11 is connected to the CLK [/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] pin 10 is connected to LOAD [/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] We have only a single MAX7221.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] */[/color]
LedControl lc=LedControl(12,11,10,1);

[color=#7E7E7E]/* we always wait a bit between updates of the display */[/color]
[color=#CC6600]unsigned[/color] [color=#CC6600]long[/color] delaytime=100;

[color=#CC6600]void[/color] [color=#CC6600][b]setup[/b][/color]() {
[color=#7E7E7E]   The MAX72XX is in power-saving mode on startup,[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E]   we have to do a wakeup call[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E]   */[/color]
  [color=#7E7E7E]/* Set the brightness to a medium values */[/color]
  [color=#7E7E7E]/* and clear the display */[/color]

[color=#7E7E7E] This method will display the characters for the[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] word "Arduino" one after the other on the matrix. [/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] (you need at least 5x7 leds to see the whole chars)[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] */[/color]
[color=#CC6600]void[/color] writeArduinoOnMatrix() {
  [color=#7E7E7E]/* here is the data for the characters */[/color]
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] a[5]={B01111110,B10001000,B10001000,B10001000,B01111110};
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] r[5]={B00111110,B00010000,B00100000,B00100000,B00010000};
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] d[5]={B00011100,B00100010,B00100010,B00010010,B11111110};
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] u[5]={B00111100,B00000010,B00000010,B00000100,B00111110};
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] i[5]={B00000000,B00100010,B10111110,B00000010,B00000000};
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] n[5]={B00111110,B00010000,B00100000,B00100000,B00011110};
  [color=#CC6600]byte[/color] o[5]={B00011100,B00100010,B00100010,B00100010,B00011100};

  [color=#7E7E7E]/* now display them one by one with a small delay */[/color]

[color=#7E7E7E]  This function lights up a some Leds in a row.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] The pattern will be repeated on every row.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] The pattern will blink along with the row-number.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] row number 4 (index==3) will blink 4 times etc.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] */[/color]
[color=#CC6600]void[/color] rows() {
  [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] row=0;row<8;row++) {
    [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] i=0;i<row;i++) {

[color=#7E7E7E]  This function lights up a some Leds in a column.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] The pattern will be repeated on every column.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] The pattern will blink along with the column-number.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] column number 4 (index==3) will blink 4 times etc.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] */[/color]
[color=#CC6600]void[/color] columns() {
  [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] col=0;col<8;col++) {
    [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] i=0;i<col;i++) {

[color=#7E7E7E]/* [/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] This function will light up every Led on the matrix.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] The led will blink along with the row-number.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] row number 4 (index==3) will blink 4 times etc.[/color]
[color=#7E7E7E] */[/color]
[color=#CC6600]void[/color] single() {
  [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] row=0;row<8;row++) {
    [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] col=0;col<8;col++) {
      [color=#CC6600]for[/color]([color=#CC6600]int[/color] i=0;i<col;i++) {

[color=#CC6600]void[/color] [color=#CC6600][b]loop[/b][/color]() { 


Here are my errors:

error: LedControl.h: No such file or directory
sketch_aug13a:13: error: 'LedControl' does not name a type
sketch_aug13a.ino: In function 'void setup()':
sketch_aug13a:23: error: 'lc' was not declared in this scope
sketch_aug13a.ino: In function 'void writeArduinoOnMatrix()':
sketch_aug13a:46: error: 'lc' was not declared in this scope
sketch_aug13a.ino: In function 'void rows()':
sketch_aug13a:105: error: 'lc' was not declared in this scope
sketch_aug13a.ino: In function 'void columns()':
sketch_aug13a:126: error: 'lc' was not declared in this scope
sketch_aug13a.ino: In function 'void single()':
sketch_aug13a:147: error: 'lc' was not declared in this scope

So come on then guys.....just tell me the obviouse that you can all see that I can't. :blush:

Thank you very much, these forums have been a great resource in learning everything arduino thus far 8)

(in folder labelled LEDControl)

Try changing the folder name to "LedControl" to match the file names.

Edit: Also be sure to re-start the IDE after adding any libraries. It only looks for libraries when starting up.

John you bloody brilliant man!! :smiley:

Never even thought about restting the IDE. :~
And also, my folder was labelled wrong too.

It's the simple things that can be the hardest to see.
thank you very much