Letters recognition Using Arduino and OV7670

How can I use arduino mega and a OV7670 module to recognize the three letters A,S and H which are on the wall with special font "Arial Black", I need the camera module to work simply as a sensor if it reads S gives a specific command to the arduino, So can anyone help me with the code as I haven't used this module before.
Note: All the letters are in a 4*4 square cm.
I need any help as soon as possible please

The DataSheet Link:

You might get some help if you actually identified the module and provided a link to a data sheet for it.


Given that the Mega, with about 8000 bytes of memory, cannot store images of any reasonable size, please describe how you plan to recognize letters.

The OV7670 camera seems not to support pattern recognition functionality. Look for other camera modules that better fit your needs.

Some years ago a user has presented Arduino pattern recognition using an optical mouse chip in the German (Deutsch) forum. This approach required a lens for the intended (fixed) distance, and then searches the sensor array for a simple (black bar) pattern. Search the forum for "Meerschweinchen".

I don't need to store any images i just need the camera to work as a sensor and just recognize the letter and give a reply to the arduino as a character data to start another functions in the maze solver robot

I don't need to store any images i just need the camera to work as a sensor and just recognize the letter
and give a reply to the arduino as a character data to start another functions in the maze solver robot

What made you think an OV7670 could do that?

The OV7670/OV7171 CAMERACHIPTM is a low voltageCMOS image sensor that provides the full functionality ofa single-chip VGA camera and image processor in a smallfootprint package. The OV7670/OV7171 providesfull-frame, sub-sampled or windowed 8-bit images in awide range of formats, controlled through the SerialCamera Control Bus (SCCB) interface.This product has an image array capable of operating atup to 30 frames per second (fps) in VGA with completeuser control over image quality, formatting and output datatransfer. All required image processing functions,including exposure control, gamma, white balance, colorsaturation, hue control and more, are also programmablethrough the SCCB interface. In addition, OmniVisionCAMERACHIPs use proprietary sensor technology toimprove image quality by reducing or eliminating commonlighting/electrical sources of image contamination, suchas fixed pattern noise (FPN), smearing, blooming, etc., toproduce a clean, fully stable color image.

The OV7670 is dumb, all it can do is to send data.

However the idea of getting to send data from different areas of the image should work. But the work must be done on the Arduino. Even an UNO should be able to do the job.


OV7670 is a pretty simple digital camera. an arduino can be used to ship the data stream from the camera to aux store (like an SD card). then you could try to analyze a frame of camera data, slice by slice, or nibble by nibble, by comparison to a fixed image version, on another aux. store device.... yeah, that might work, if you can figure out how to break up the frame data into manageable chunks that the arduino can handle (remember, you have to be able to 'look' at one chunk from the frame data while also looking at one chunk from your example, and do that for each of the three possibilities....). ... ... ... Gee, how long ( in years??) do you have for an analysis window before the comparison is no longer valid, or you run out of power?

wrong equipment for the problem? Yeah, well, maybe...

So can anyone help me with the code as I haven't any experience in dealing with this module

I don't need to store any images i just need the camera to work as a sensor

In order to do any image processing you need to store the image.

An Arduino simply doesn’t have enough memory.

What you want is a Raspberry Pi and run OpenCV libiary.