
Ok I dont know what I'm doing wrong here but I just cant figure this out. I'm trying to use the Tlc5940 library and I have no idea where to save what and how to use it in my code. I tried to follow the instructions for how to do it but they didn't make sense because there was no folder containing all of the libraries. I cant even find the files of the libraries that come with the arduino program. I don't know if somehow they got deleted but I don't think they did. I'm running Mac OSX btw. Thanks in advance, I know this is a nooby question but I have never understood the use of these things

The folder containing the system libraries would be hard to find because it's "hidden" in the packaging of the arduino application itself. Normally, you shouldn't change those. To add a "contributed" library to your configuration, you will have to create a libraries folder. It needs to go in the Arduino folder where all your sketch folders are, and it needs to be named "libraries" If you have an XYZ library, you will want to create a sub-folder named XYZ and in that, you will store the .h, .cpp, and adjunct files/folders, just as you received them, or downloaded and extracted them.


Ok thanks I figured out how to add the library, but I don't know how to use it. Where would I look to figure out the commands and stuff?

Sometimes libraries come with examples, which if packaged properly would be available under the File/Examples menu item. Otherwise, look at the .cpp and .h files, and or any readme file included.