Little problem with ZS-042 DS3231 RTC module

i followed what i read in this thread

Precisely this

Jeez, some have the info right, others claim dangerous BS.

The "charging circuit" is really evil. The battery is otherwise connected correctly.
See the schematics here:

Remove the 1N4148 and/or the 200R resistor and everything is fine.

I also removed the power LED as I use the RTC for a DIY clock. Works great this way with 3.3V supply.
(click for bigger image)

My ds3231 is exactly like that photo
And now my ds3231 doesnt work when there is a power loss.........
As long as it's have 5v it works, as soon as plug off the 5v transformer and plug in after 1 minute, the time is 1 January 2001
Any suggestion? I just break the ds3231 and now i have to buy what i took off???

If anything else, i'm using the ds3231 with a cr2032 (even if i have the lir2032) on 5V and i'm not using like that photo the terminal at the right side, but the dupont cable at left

Thank you all

The module should work fine with the diode removed and a CR2032 used in place of the original LIR2032. Measure the voltage at pin 14 to ground of the DS3231, it should be approximately 3 volts which is supplied by the CR2032.

Your soldering is well, a complete failure. You’re soldering to the wrong side of the board as the top side has no exposed copper. You should use header pins and DuPont wires with female connectors.

The module should work fine with the diode removed and a CR2032 used in place of the original LIR2032. Measure the voltage at pin 14 to ground of the DS3231, it should be approximately 3 volts which is supplied by the CR2032.

Your soldering is well, a complete failure. You’re soldering to the wrong side of the board as the top side has no exposed copper. You should use header pins and DuPont wires with female connectors.

thank you for your response
i found out the problem: the battery i used has some form of film attached, i think it is a super glue fumes.. i checked with the multimeter to find out that in some areas there is no voltage..
changed battery and now i have 2.98v pin 14 and gnd of ds3231

and i have soldered nothing? i used dupont cables from arduino nano to rtc, that photo is from that user "Koepi" that explained how he "corrected" the module

The module should work fine with the diode removed and a CR2032 used in place of the original LIR2032. Measure the voltage at pin 14 to ground of the DS3231, it should be approximately 3 volts which is supplied by the CR2032.

Your soldering is well, a complete failure. You’re soldering to the wrong side of the board as the top side has no exposed copper. You should use header pins and DuPont wires with female connectors.

I checked VBAT voltage and it is around 3 volts there but still my module losses time track when powered off what else do I need to do?

DS3231 should be running on 3.3-V. 5-V is too close to Maxim's recommended typical range maximum of 5.5-V
What do you mean by loses time track? Reverts to startup values (i.e. time not set) or gives inaccurate times?
The DS1307 and DS3231 both work well if you follow the rules and read the datasheet. With the backup cell correctly installed and time set, removing main power should make no difference.
There are libraries for both RTCs and the DS3231 will work with the DS1307 library. One of them has RTC read and set examples. Remember setting time uses the time of compilation.
I do hope you aren't using a transformer for your power supply, and what you really meant was a regulated 5-V DC power supply.
If your board doesn't have a regulator incorporated, why not make up an LDO 3.3-V regulator board (automotive grades recommended) and feed it with something between 5 and 12-V DC
If you're messing about with RTCs, I would use the DS1307 to start with (replaceable DIP-8). DS1307 does need 5-V to work reliably.