Log when a pump is turned on and off

My only experience with Arduino IDE in the past is compiling and uploading a provided script for a 3D printer controller.
My background is electronics and IT but not programming.
I want to log when an electric pump, the circulating pump for my solar hot water system, is turned on and off.
I want to use the following;
Arduino Nano V3
Data Logger RTC shield
SCT013 Current Transformer.
Hopefully someone has done something like this that I can start with and modify the code to suit my requirements.
Can anyone recommend an existing project suggest where I start?

I guess the first part in sensing if a pump is On or Off is knowing what sensor to use. Just for example we could sense if the pump was drawing any current or if there was voltage to the pump. While either of those will work they won't tell you if the pump is moving any water. Another sensor possibility would be adding a simple flow switch to the flow loop. You are not interested in recording a flow rate, only if there is Flow or No Flow. Do you have any thoughts on what you want to sense? Personally I like a Flow Switch method but it's your system.


You will need an interface for the current transformer. This web page shows you how to make one.