Looking for someone to develop a custom cloud-based IDE for our toy company

Hello! I work for a small toy startup. I am a (non-technical) product manager, doing some poking around to see how we would build what we need. Any thoughts on how to approach this, tools to look at, experienced devs or shops in this space? I need help! Thank you :slight_smile:

The spec:

We are a toy company and are working on a new product line, for people 12+. This will be a subscription box that ships every other month. The box is an engineering toy - the goal is to teach folks the basics of robotics and programming. Each box will ship with an Arduino. An example toy would be a remote-controlled cannon that can move and rotate and shoot soft bullets.

For each toy, we want to have a custom and skinned, cloud-based IDE that will be embedded on our site. For example, each instance could live somewhere like website dotcom/toy1.

Signed-in subscribers will be able to go to that URL and begin coding. They can then export that code, via a text file to SD, and plug it into their toy. Rinse and repeat, hack and iterate.

There will be 3 โ€œLevelsโ€ of coding available, for each toy.

Level 1: Pre-coded basics. Not editable. Grab and go.
Level 2: Structured customization of some elements / variables.
Level 3: Free-form. Start with the basics but then do whatever you want. No promise the code will work, tho! Just like real life.

Launch Essentials:
-All of the above
-An AI coding assistant / plugin (from Khan Academy?)

Inspiration (altho we donโ€™t want block- based):
-BricksIDE: Best Python IDE for Raspberry Pi โ€“ Picobricks

Just not to waste time:
What's the budget?
What's the timeframe?

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Looking to launch first toy and IDE in early April. Budget is very generous (we are a successful startup).

Please define "very generous" - you can do this by PM if you prefer.

Starting from scratch, that is... very optimistic.

Suggest you jump on @Juraj 's suggestion right away.

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