Manage Libraries produces error messages

I am a beginner so sorry if this is too basic but I'm having trouble even getting started and would appreciate some help.

I allowed IDE to install in default direcory

C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino

Also noted this as location for sketches in “Preferences”

When I Try to manage Libraries I get these error messages at bottom of IDE.

Java.lang.RunTimeException ………………….
at …………………………….
At ………………………………….
Caused by: java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: c:\programfiles…………………………..

Erased all old files and did re-install

Now when I try to manage libraries & add something I get:

Invalid library found in c:\users\Dave\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_887447; no headers files (.h) found in c:\users\Dave\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_887447

This is a directory the installation created.

Please delete the folder c:\users\Dave\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_887447.

Tried deleting the folders

Do you mean you deleted c:\users\Dave\Documents\Arduino\libraries\arduino_887447?

Arduino just created them again

Please provide more information. Arduino creates folders like arduino_887447 during installation or update of a library via Library Manager. Are you installing, or updating a library. Which library? If updating, from which version to which other version?

Original installation of Arduino IDE had similar problem - I uninstalled and erased the "...Arduino_#####" directories and did complete new install.

Error comes when I go to "sketch...include libraries....manage libraries..." and try to install one (hit the install button"

and try to install one

Any library, or one specific library?

any library

using Windows 10 and latest Arduino as of 06-09-19. Using the Arduino IDE program, not the "Ap". but I tried the "Ap" with similar results a while back. Seems like I have an incorrect Directory location somewhere in the install preferences that Arduino just won't clear with re-installs. May have to ditch this and move to Raspberry PI if can't get it resolved which I don't want to do. I now have 2-3 Uno 3 boards and bunches of sensors, motors, etc. from various "Starter" kits.

This sort of problem could be caused by your antivirus software. Try TEMPORARILY disabling your antivirus for a single library installation to see if the problem goes away, then turn the antivirus back on. If the problem doesn't occur with the antivirus off you will need to adjust the settings of your antivirus to whitelist the appropriate file, folder, or process so it doesn't interfere with library installation.