Matrix display, ''more'' than matrix size to show, hidden characters sort of?

I tried to describe my problem in subject, but so, i managed to buil code & of course circuit for 8x8 matrix, no big deal there (thought it was bothersome without using libraries.....) but now then, i'd like to use bigger strings of text. if i increase size of array, sure, but counter won't count up enought to display changes. If i increase value of that counter, columns array overshoots then. of course i could just make bigger display but that seems pointless if display string takes only half....and that only shifsts problem further, soon i must make again bigger display, i know it's possible to make long chains of text but can't figure it out. So, help & advice greatly appreciated! screen shows just an arrow that slides along the display, if that makes any difference. And, i use 74595's to drive display along with darlington arrays
i don't have any max's ic's.

int dataPin = 2;        //IC 14       //Define which pins will be used for the Shift Register control
int latchPin = 3;       //IC 12
int clockPin = 4;       //IC 11
int const t = 2000;

byte x [8] =

byte columns [8] =

void setup()
  DDRD = DDRD | B00011100;                                  //set pins as output


void loop()
  int a, hold, shift;
  for ( shift = 0 ; shift < 7 ; shift++ )                   //amount to shift
    for (hold = 0; hold < 25; hold++)                       //time for shifting
      for (a = 0; a < 8; a++)                               //how many arrays to load?
        PORTD = B00000000;                                  //turn latch low
        shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, columns[a]);          //Send the data #2        (what columns to power)
        shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, x[a]>>shift);          //Send the data #1       ( what data to draw)      
        PORTD = B00001000;                                  //turn latch on->show screen
        delayMicroseconds (t);

if i increase size of array, sure, but counter won't count up enought to display changes.

What counter won't count up high enough?

  int a, hold, shift;
  for ( shift = 0 ; shift < 7 ; shift++ )                   //amount to shift
    for (hold = 0; hold < 25; hold++)                       //time for shifting
      for (a = 0; a < 8; a++)

This is C++, not C.

  for (int shift = 0 ; shift < 7 ; shift++ )                   //amount to shift
    for (int hold = 0; hold < 25; hold++)                       //time for shifting
      for (int a = 0; a < 8; a++)

I mean by ''counter'' when a increments, it causes screen to mess up as there is same int for for both columns and rows, so if i place more stuff (more letters) for array [x] it causes that column section to mess up, as there are no more columns than 8

byte x [8] =
for (a = 0; a < 8; a++)
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, columns[a]);
        shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, x[a]>>shift);

about c++ and c it worked so i didn't think it would effect, thanks for pointing that out! my coding-eye isn't that fixed enough yet to spot difference between c++ and c (no programming education here except google....)

I could control cathode shifter by its own, but for now i'd like to control them in series, daisy chained, if that would give you guys any insight?

just mentioning here that got this solved! and shift registers in daisy chained