Max7219 Max/MSP patch?

does anyone have or know of a solution for controlling the Max7219 LED matrix through a Max/MSP patch?
I want to turn on and off individual LEDs in the 64-led-matrix from a Max patch connected to the arduino. The hardware is working fine using the tutorial code at Arduino Playground - Max7219 but now I want to interact in real time through Max/MSP with the matrix.

many thanks in advance!

This message just to let you know that I plan to do the same kind of thing : analyzing audio in max, sending some kind of variable or array to the arduino and controlling the max7219 to light the leds
I just ordered the 7219 chips, so I don't have tried it yet, but I think you could format a string in max, send it via serial to the arduino and just follow it to the max, no?
Good luck

does it work with MAX/MSP & 3x max7219, one for each leg of RGB leds ?

Any progress on this yet?
Im slowly getting around to doing this myself.

it can work with this kind of patch:

Yes, if u tried maxuino (wich is better imo), you would know you can do most things this way. But it contains nothing about controlling a LED Driver, so that one we have to figure out for ourselves, as far as i can see anyway?

Did you solve your problem thew? I'm working on the same thing in these days but I'm having hard time to figure out a solution...
If you could post something about it I would really appreciate that. I'm working fast to finish my thesis project so unfortunately I don't have too much time to deal with this problem..


I am working on LED matrix with Max 7219 using MAX/MSP too, is there any sample patch for reference on how to drive individual LED light up in max?