MCP2515 with Arduino Uno not receiving data

I try everything and nothing helps. This is my wiring diagram

And photos of connect

I have tried many example sketches and none of them give results.... I am not getting the ID and the date in serial monitor.
I use this simple code and nothing:

#include <SPI.h>
#include <mcp2515.h>

struct can_frame canMsg;
MCP2515 mcp2515(10);

void setup() {
  mcp2515.setBitrate(CAN_125KBPS, MCP_8MHZ);
  Serial.println("------- CAN Read ----------");
  Serial.println("ID  DLC   DATA");

void loop() {
  if (mcp2515.readMessage(&canMsg) == MCP2515::ERROR_OK) {
    Serial.print(canMsg.can_id, HEX); // print ID
    Serial.print(" "); 
    Serial.print(canMsg.can_dlc, HEX); // print DLC
    Serial.print(" ");
    for (int i = 0; i<canMsg.can_dlc; i++)  {  // print the data
      Serial.print(" ");


My CAN in car Ford Focus MK3 have MS-CAN 125Kbps and HS-CAN 500Kbps, tried these speeds and nothing.
Im tried too program CanHacker V2 with this code and added canHacker->setClock(MCP_8MHZ);

With enable_loopback i see in program that what i transmit and receiving this what i send, i tried once transmit data all 0 (that was bad, i know) when was connected with car and cluster shows me a lot of faults from different systems, then sending data working. BUT WHY NO RECEIVING ANY DATA :(((
Please guys i want ur help.

Do you have a budget for a sub $100 10MHz oscilloscope?

This will tell you if you are connecting the correct wires, what baud rate to use and if the transceiver on the CAN interface board is functioning correctly.

Since you used Cory Fowler's library follow its guidelines. The first thing I would is build a second unit. The code is in the library. Get them to communicate first before expecting data from the car. Be sure to properly terminate the bus which should be at least 1 meter long. They should work fine without loopback first. The reason for two is CAN (Control Area Network) requires an in-frame response, without a receiving unit you will not get one and it will fault out.

Noo, its too much for me for oscilloscope... I'm beginner with this things.

I'm pretty sure that on MS-CAN 3 pin is high and 11 is low (125Kpbs), and on HS-CAN 6 pin is high and 14 is low (500Kbps).

I used loopback mode in the Canhacker program, in the transmit I entered the ID and various data and in the Receive (monitor) window I got the same data that I sent. Do I understand correctly that this is what you mean?

pin 6 and 14 would be 500kbps...

hope that helps...

Yes 6 and 14 should be 500, but 3 and 11 should be 125. And now all work when i connect GND from OBD2 to GND MCP2515. Thanks for trying help!

Maybe the MCP2515 is faulty. Test it separately if possible. Also check if your jumper wires are OK.

That indicates that the chip is probably working properly. What it is doing is monitoring itself. In this mode if it works as you indicate you have the chip connected properly and is is working. It did not check the bus as the transmitter to receiver connection happens in the chip. However you need to turn that diagnostic mode off otherwise nothing will be sent or received from the bus. That is why I was suggesting a second unit to completely validate your setup.

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