MCP3204 readings

Hi All
This is my first post has I've only just started playing with the Arduino after doing plenty of reading.
I'm trying to make a simple volt mere using the MCP3204, Just getting CH0 to read (I've got to channels working) after a little playing I've got it to read the same as my Fluke meter but the trouble is the reading are a little jumpy bouncing around is there a way to improve it to get stable readings ? The idea is I want to display it on LCD and this will show on the LCD more
This is the sample that is been sent out

RAW1: 1628
VOLTS1: 13.11
RAW1: 1630
VOLTS1: 13.13
RAW1: 1629
VOLTS1: 13.12
RAW1: 1627
VOLTS1: 13.10
RAW1: 1628
VOLTS1: 13.11
RAW1: 1628
VOLTS1: 13.11
RAW1: 1628
VOLTS1: 13.11
RAW1: 1635
VOLTS1: 13.17
RAW1: 1628
VOLTS1: 13.11
RAW1: 1628
VOLTS1: 13.11

Here is the code I have working, I know there may be better ways to improve code but it's my first attempt at it.

#define SELPIN 10 //Selection Pin 
#define DATAOUT 11//MOSI 
#define DATAIN  12//MISO 
#define SPICLOCK  13//Clock 
int readvalue; 
 int analogInput = 1;
  float vout = 0.0;
  float vin = 0.0;
  float R1 = 33150.0;    // !! resistance of R1 !!
  float R2 = 4699.0;     // !! resistance of R2 !!

void setup(){ 
 //set pin modes 
 pinMode(SELPIN, OUTPUT); 
 pinMode(DATAIN, INPUT); 
 //disable device to start with 

int read_adc(int channel){
  int adcvalue = 0;
  byte commandbits = B11000000; //command bits - start, mode, chn (3), dont care (3)

  //allow channel selection

  digitalWrite(SELPIN,LOW); //Select adc
  // setup bits to be written
  for (int i=7; i>=3; i--){
    //cycle clock

  digitalWrite(SPICLOCK,HIGH);    //ignores 2 null bits

  //read bits from adc
  for (int i=11; i>=0; i--){
    //cycle clock
  digitalWrite(SELPIN, HIGH); //turn off device
  return adcvalue;

void loop() { 
 readvalue = read_adc(1);
 vout = (readvalue * 4.095) / 4095.0;
 vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));  
 Serial.print("RAW1: ");
 Serial.print("VOLTS1: ");
 //readvalue = read_adc(2);
 //vout = (readvalue * 5.0) / 4095.0;
// vin = vout / (R2/(R1+R2));  
// Serial.print("RAW2: ");
// Serial.println(readvalue);
// Serial.print("VOLTS2: ");
// Serial.println(vin); 
// Serial.print("  ");

I will try later to add a little menu system to enable to calibrate the values of R1&R2 or one or the other

There will always be a little noise present.
Do a running average 3 to 10 reading
Prinsiple of running average is well discribed here

Hi, depending on how fast you want the readings to react to input, apart from doing an average of ten readings, put a 0.1uF capacitor between the analog input pin and the arduino ground.
This will help with any noise that occurs.

Can you post a copy of you circuit diagram, either CAD or picture of a hand drawn circuit in jpg, png, or pdf, so we can see how you have done it.
Have you measured the voltage at the analog input with your Fluke, I know it will be lower than 5V but might give you some indication if its noise, or due to quantization with the 1023 bits resolution.

Excellent project to start with and good results, well done.

Tom...... :slight_smile:

What is the source of the voltage you are reading, and how much noise does it have ?

Your readings looks normal to me. There is noise in the signal you are reading, and, even if there isn't, the ADC process will create some noise just by how it works. You need to get used to it.

If you power the Arduino from Vin you may get a reduction in noise - the
typical computer 5V rail as provided over USB is often very noisy. The on-board
linear regulator will fare better.

Thanks Guys
I will have a look at adding a Cap to the input to the MC3204, I thought it was 4095 counts and not 1023 ?
Yes it is run from the computer at the moment will try of power supply I'm measuring 6-12V battery fed via a 4K7 and 33K (I know 33K bit high but this was used in previous project will calculate the correct values)
here is a pic of the baord as I'm using the 12Bit ADC board from mikroe

u're right : 2^12 is 4096