hello.saludos to all.
I try to make a project using 1 Mega arduino, 1 servo motor, 1 Nema motor and 3 DC motors.
My problem comes in principle, how to connect all the engines to the Mega.
I have Drivers pololu A4988, CnC shield, Bridge H for DC motors, but I do not know what drivers to use to connect everything to Mega.
I have to say that the DC motors do not need to control the speed, only that they work, the motor that I assign in one direction during x seconds.
The motor nema if I must control the position at all times.
To see if you can help me and tell me what the scheme would be and with what drivers to connect everything to Arduino mega, I suppose I should use Gcode.
I'm new to this and I need your help.
Thanks in advance.
hola.saludos a todos.
Intento hacer un proyecto que usa 1 arduino Mega,1 servo motor,1 motor Nema y 3 motores DC.
Mi problema viene en principio,como conectar todos los motores al Mega.
Tengo Drivers pololu A4988,CnC shield,Puente H para motores DC,pero no se que drivers usar para conectarlo todo al Mega.
He de decir que lo motores DC no necesito controlar la velocidad,solo que funcionen,el motor que yo asigne en una direccion durante x segundos.
El motor nema si debo controlar la posicion en todo momento.
A ver si me podeis ayudar y decirme cual seria el esquema y con que drivers conectarlo todo a Arduino mega,supongo que deberia usar Gcode.
Soy novato en esto y necesito vuestra ayuda.
Gracias de antemano.
Hi, welcome. That is a broad question "how to connect all the engines to the Mega", and then you add "I suppose I should use Gcode".
This is too much to answer in one go. I would end up writing the equivalent of a kit assembly manual and programming course.
You seem to be starting on a big project. Fine, super, I/we can help, but only one specific problem at a time.
So I suggest you start with the H-bridge and one DC motor. You do not mention specifics, so my answer is similarly vague. FIRST connect the ground of the Arduino, the Hbridge and any powersupplys you use together. (For batteries it is the - that is Ground) On the Hbridge there will be two motor outputs, connect them to the DC motor. There will probably be two control lines. Connect them to the Arduino data pins. Lastly there will be Vcc/5V and Vdd/Motor + supply. That is, you use the Arduino 5Voutpin to power the Hbridge, not the motors. They are powered from a seperate power supply, probably 6V or 12V. There may be some additional "enable"/"select" lines, they may have to be connected to ground or 5V to turn the chip "On".
Next you need to write a progra to toggle the Arduino pins to control the DC motor. It probably is if one is High and the other Low the motor will turn one way, and opposite when you do the opposite. Again, probably if both are high the motor stops "quickly" and both low it is unpowered.
For details you need to read the specs of your H-bridge.
And then you can use more Hbridge/Motors (using some other pins) and see the challenge of controlling several things at once. (This where the programming course starts )
NEMA is a standards body for motor mounting brackets(*), not a type of motor!!
Many stepper motors come in standard NEMA sizes, but so do many 3-phase induction motors...
For the purposes of choosing motor drivers you need to provide full details of the motors, otherwise
there's no way to select a driver.
My problem is that I would have to connect a DC motor, I mean, I can connect 1 step motor and 2 DC motors, but I need to connect 3 DC motors.
The stepper motor is taken out of an Epson printer (EM 230) and this is its Datasheet
My problem is that I still do not know how to connect the 3 DC motors, the stepper motor and the servo all at once, what I want to know is how and what drivers I have to use.
I also guess (I'm not sure), I could connect the 3 Dc motors and the servo to the H bridge, and connect the stepper motor to the arduino mega with an A4988 drivers, but if you can, I do not know how it would be done.
I would like you to give me your opinion, what would be the way to connect everything.
Please display your image(s) in your post so we can see it(them). See this Simple Image Guide
I also guess (I'm not sure), I could connect the 3 Dc motors and the servo to the H bridge, and connect the stepper motor to the arduino mega with an A4988 drivers, but if you can, I do not know how it would be done.
The stepper motor needs to be connected to the A4988
Each DC motor needs to be connected to a H-Bridge
The servo's signal pin can be connected directly to an Arduino I/O pin. Also connect the servo GND to the Arduino GND and do NOT draw power for the servo (or for any motor) from the Arduino board.
greetings to all.
If you see the photo, where I connect the A4988 and how, if the bridge H already occupies the largest space of the Arduino Mega.
The servo is connected to bridge H, since bridge H has a current other than the arduino.
A picture of your hardware is not useful - it is impossible to be sure how things are connected.
It looks like you have a shield attached to your Mega. If so, please post a link to the datasheet for the shield.
And there seems to be no shortage of unused connections on the Mega to which an A4988 could be connected.
Here you tell me that you can connect bridge H (L293D) and a nema engine to Mega.
That's my problem, I do not know how to connect it.
Where I connect the A4988 Driver to Mega and the H bridge I get almost everything.
Where I connect the A4988 Driver to Mega and the H bridge I get almost everything.
As far as I can see you have already connected the H-bridge (the shield) to the Mega so all that remains is to connect the A4988.
You are not going to be able just to plug the A4988 onto the Mega - with or without the shield. But you can connect the A4988 to some of the unused connections on the Mega with suitable wires. The Pololu A4988 web page has a good wiring diagram.
Man, if I ask for help, it's because I do not do it.
I have seen that page and many others.
It's that everything you've said, I know, it helps.
From the information you are giving I don't know how to provide better help. I guess I don't know what exactly you are unsure about.
Maybe a way forward is for you to tell us exactly how you think things should be connected - post a simple diagram - and then we can advise whether that needs any changes. That way I can have a better understanding of what is in your mind.
This is what I have echo.Photo.
I just want to know if that is well connected and if it is not, how should you connect it. That is, we must bear in mind that although there is only one DC motor connected, my intention is to connect 3 DC motors.
The pololu I have connected to pins 20 and 21 of arduino mega.
5v and GND I have connected from a direct external source to pololu A4988.
the pololu needs 5v for its power and 12v for the motor, which have been connected from an external source.