Mega and FTDI (SOLVED)

Since the Nano/FTDI clone disaster, I've been using Pro Minis. I now have an application that requires multiple serial ports, so I need to use a Mega. Have there been any reports since October (2014) regarding clone Megas having the same driver problem with FTDI? If so, is the bootloader rendered inoperative similar to the Nano problem?

I'm afraid to plug my Mega in if there's a risk of having the serial number changed to 0000.

Dr Quark

I have not seen an Arduino Mega 2560 board with ftdi. The cheapest clones on Ebay use CH340G, for which a driver needs to be installed.

The older Arduino Mega (with the ATmega1280) uses the ftdi. If you have a clone of that, you might have the counterfeit ftdi.

As far as I know, the new drivers for Windows refuse to work with the counterfeit ftdi. Modules and boards with the counterfeit ftdi can still be bought at Ebay. I think the counterfeit ftdi will still work in linux.

The CH340G is mentioned on some websites as a good alternative, also for your own projects.

We sell CH340 based devices. You may need to download drivers for some versions of Windows (they are signed), they are included in Linux, and on Mac they are not signed.

Clones of the 2560 I have seen either have the Atmel chip of the CH340. Do check before buying though. Either is fine. If it has an FTDI you can't be sure it is genuine.

Thanks. I see the FTDI chip in the image of the Mega at, but that must be the original Mega. On closer examination of my Megas, in place of the FTDI chip, my board has an AtMega8U2, which the data sheet says has a USB interface. All is good.

I am looking at some Nano's with CH340G chips. I have a small number of PCBs that were designed for the Nano pin out, but I'm finding the Pro Mini to be a little more capable (more pins available) and cheaper.

You were looking at a picture of the older "Mega" board with ATmega1280. The newer "Mega 2560" has indeed the usb-serial-ATmega8U2, so all is good as you wrote.

The Nano with CH340G is okay.

As ChilliTronix wrote, with an FTDI you can never be sure anymore what will happen. So we avoid them. Search on YouTube for : eevblog ftdi
(It is fun to watch that)

totally worth watching EEVBlog's rant! Thanks. Recommended to everyone who has a bricked Arduino.