Merging two sketches and receiving errors form ADB and USB_Host_Shield library

Good day! I have an Arduino Mega ADK 2560 and I'm trying to merge two sketches that I need to use for the system that I am making. Both sketches are working perfectly with it's respective android applications. But when I tried to merge the sketches, I get this error:

In file included from \vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adb/Adb.h:34,
from RFIDroid_Merged.ino:8:
\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adb/usb.h:194: error: redefinition of 'class USB'
\vmware-host\Shared Folders\Documents\Arduino\libraries\USB_Host_Shield/Usb.h:116: error: previous definition of 'class USB'

The codes I am trying to merge are these two:

  1. A code that reads the unique codes on the NFC tags when it is tapped on the NFC Shield mounted on the Arduino. It displays the tag on an android application.
#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adb.h>
#include <max3421e.h>
#include <PN532.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define PN532_CS 10

//CS of NFC is pin 10
PN532 nfc(PN532_CS);
// Adb connection.
Connection * connection;
// Elapsed time for ADC sampling. The rate at which ADC value is sent to Android device.
long lastTime;
// ID of the MiFare Card  
uint32_t id;
uint32_t ID;
byte idbk[10];

// Event handler for the shell connection. 
void adbEventHandler(Connection * connection, adb_eventType event, uint16_t length, uint8_t * data)
  // Data packet contains one byte from Android to determine when to start reading NFC
    if(data[0] != 0)
      digitalWrite(53, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(6, HIGH); 
      //NFC Begins
        // look for MiFare type cards
        //Read the NFC Shield version
        uint32_t versiondata = nfc.getFirmwareVersion();
        //Warning for non-compatible NFC shields
        if (!versiondata) {
          Serial.print("Didn't find PN53x board");
          while (1); // halt
        // Got ok data, print it out!
        Serial.print("Found chip PN5"); 
        Serial.println((versiondata>>24) & 0xFF, HEX);
        Serial.print("Firmware ver. "); 
        Serial.print((versiondata>>16) & 0xFF, DEC);
        Serial.println((versiondata>>8) & 0xFF, DEC);
        Serial.print("Supports "); 
        Serial.println(versiondata & 0xFF, HEX);
        // configure board to read RFID tags and cards
        id =0;
        while (id==0)
          id = nfc.readPassiveTargetID(PN532_MIFARE_ISO14443A);
          if (id != 0) {
            Serial.print("Read card #"); 
        // Store the NFC ID read to the EEPROM
     digitalWrite(6, LOW);   // Change the state of LED to indicate NFC ready to read
    } else {



void setup()
  //NFC Read Next Init
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(12, LOW);
  //Read the ID stored from EEPROM
  id = ((uint32_t)<<24) | ((uint32_t)<<16) | ((uint32_t)<<8)|((uint32_t);
  //Serial port debug purpose
  // Set Digital pin 6 (LED is connected) as output to indicate that NFC ready to be read.
  // Note start time
  lastTime = millis();
  // Initialise the ADB subsystem.  
  Serial.println("-> ADB init");
  // Open an ADB stream to the phone's shell. Auto-reconnect. Use any unused port number eg:4500
  connection = ADB::addConnection("tcp:4500", true, adbEventHandler);  
  Serial.println("-> connection 4500");

void loop()

  //Display the last ID read 
  if ((millis() - lastTime) > 1000)
    ID = id;
    Serial.println("Last ID Read: ");
    idbk[0] = ID%10;
    idbk[1] = ID%100/10;
    idbk[2] = ID%1000/100;
    idbk[3] = ID%10000/1000;
    idbk[4] = ID%100000/10000;
    idbk[5] = ID%1000000/100000;
    idbk[6] = ID%10000000/1000000;
    idbk[7] = ID%100000000/10000000;
    idbk[8] = ID%1000000000/100000000;
    idbk[9] = ID/1000000000;

    connection->write(10, (uint8_t*)&idbk);
    lastTime = millis();
  // Poll the ADB subsystem.
  1. Turns an LED on and off when a toggle button in its android application is tapped.
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Servo.h>

#include <Max3421e.h>
#include <Usb.h>
#include <AndroidAccessory.h>

#include <CapSense.h>

#define  TOUCH_RECV     14
#define  TOUCH_SEND     15

#define  RELAY1         A0
#define  RELAY2         A1

AndroidAccessory acc("Google, Inc.",
		     "DemoKit Arduino Board",
// 10M ohm resistor on demo shield
CapSense   touch_robot = CapSense(TOUCH_SEND, TOUCH_RECV);

void setup();
void loop();

void init_relays()
	pinMode(RELAY1, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(RELAY2, OUTPUT);

void init_joystick(int threshold);

byte c;
void setup()


	// autocalibrate OFF

	c = 0;


void loop()
	byte err;
	byte idle;
	static byte count = 0;
	byte msg[3];
	long touchcount;

	if (acc.isConnected()) {
		int len =, sizeof(msg), 1);
		int i;
		byte b;
		uint16_t val;
		int x, y;
		char c0;

		if (len > 0) {
			// assumes only one command per packet
			if (msg[0] == 0x2) {

			} else if (msg[0] == 0x3) {
				if (msg[1] == 0x0)
					digitalWrite(RELAY1, msg[2] ? HIGH : LOW);
				else if (msg[1] == 0x1)
					digitalWrite(RELAY2, msg[2] ? HIGH : LOW);

		msg[0] = 0x1;

	} else {
		digitalWrite(RELAY1, LOW);
		digitalWrite(RELAY2, LOW);


Can someone help me solve this error and maybe guide/teach me how to properly merge these two sketches? I am about to merge the two corresponding android applications of these sketches as well. And i want to have a merged sketch that will enable the arduino to read the nfc tags and display it to the android application as well as have a feature where the same sketch can turn an LED on and off when a certain button in the merged android application is tapped.

Any response and help will be appreciated.
