MFRC522 rfid through ethernet cable

I'm having some trouble using my rc522 module through a cat5e cable. When I connect the module on a breadboard to my arduino duemilanove everything works fine but when I connect through my setup it does not.

I have connected the SDA, SCK, MISO, MOSI, RST, GND and 3.3v via a molex connector and soldered the wires to a RJ45 female connector. The other RJ45 connector is hooked up to my arduino (by putting jump wires in the holes of another molex connector to the pins on my arduino).

So my temporary setup goes rc522 -> molex -> rj45 -> cat5e (about 1m cable) -> rj45 -> molex -> jump wire -> arduino.

I do however get the 3.3v and ground from a teensy. This might be super dumb but I saw that the teensy LC is not compatible with the mfrc522 after I soldered the 3.3v and gnd to it so I use it temporarily as a power source but that should not make a difference, right?

No info is dumped in the serial monitor when I bleep bloop rfid tags.

I'm using the miguelbalboa/rfid library (GitHub - miguelbalboa/rfid: Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522) and I'm testing with the dumpinfo example. The strange thing is that It does not say "something is wrong with the connection" so It looks like it would work but when I try to bleep some tags nothing happens. If I remove one of the wires and try again I get the connection error text in the serial except when I remove the MISO (I think, could be the MOSI).

I've checked all connections for continuity using my multimeter and they all work great. I've checked from the rfid module with one test lead and put the other on the arduino so the whole chain incl. cat cable makes a nice loud beep.

So to sum it all up:
Connect thru breadboard - works great. Same code and pins thru my setup - no error but also no info is being dumped. All connections are solid.

Let me know if there is any other info you need from me.

Any tips or ideas are welcomed!

All connections are solid.

How have you verified that?

A picture of your setup would be useful. That text? No so much.

Hey PaulS, thanks for taking the time!

I checked the connections using a multimeter set to the continuity mode:

I've checked all connections for continuity using my multimeter and they all work great. I've checked from the rfid module with one test lead and put the other on the arduino so the whole chain incl. cat cable makes a nice loud beep.

Yeah, I'll get on the pictures when I get home!

Ok, here are images of the setup. So the first image is the rfid -> molex -> rj45 part of the chain
RFID setup

And here is the rj45 -> molex -> arduino part
RJ45 to arduino

In between I use the cat5 cable. Does this give a clearer view of what I'm trying to do?
