mg-811 CO2 sensor module


I'm trying to measure CO2 concentrations with this sensor (link above). I have a 6V battery connected to a breadboard. I connected VDD pin of the module with the 5V pin on arduino, the GND to GND on arduino and the AOUT on A0 pin on arduino. Also, I connected the Vin pin of arduino to the 6V on breadboard with the respective grounds. I used the sample code given in (MG-811 CO2 Sensor Module | Sandbox Electronics) and I'm getting very high or negative values of ppm. I tried to change the ZERO_POINT_VOLTAGE and the REACTION_VOLTAGE in the code. I did get some reasonable values but when I moved the sensor into clean air, the values didn't drop to approximately 400 ppm. I would like to ask what I've been doing wrong cause it's my first time I'm dealing with arduino projects.

/************************Hardware Related Macros************************************/
#define         MG_PIN                       (A0)  //define which analog input channel you are going to use
#define         DC_GAIN                      (6)   //define the DC gain of amplifier

/***********************Software Related Macros************************************/
#define         READ_SAMPLE_INTERVAL         (50)    //define how many samples you are going to take in normal operation
#define         READ_SAMPLE_TIMES            (5)     //define the time interval(in milisecond) between each samples in 
//normal operation

/**********************Application Related Macros**********************************/
//These two values differ from sensor to sensor. user should derermine this value.
#define         ZERO_POINT_VOLTAGE           (0.324) //define the output of the sensor in volts when the concentration of CO2 is 400PPM
#define         REACTION_VOLTGAE             (0.20) //define the voltage drop of the sensor when move the sensor from air into 1000ppm CO2

float           CO2Curve[3]  =  {2.602, ZERO_POINT_VOLTAGE, (REACTION_VOLTGAE / (2.602 - 3))};
//two points are taken from the curve.
//with these two points, a line is formed which is
//"approximately equivalent" to the original curve.
//data format:{ x, y, slope}; point1: (lg400, 0.324), point2: (lg4000, 0.280)
//slope = ( reaction voltage ) / (log400 –log1000)

void setup()


void loop()
  int percentage;
  float volts;

  volts = MGRead(MG_PIN);

  percentage = MGGetPercentage(volts, CO2Curve);


/*****************************  MGRead *********************************************
  Input:   mg_pin - analog channel
  Output:  output of SEN-000007
  Remarks: This function reads the output of SEN-000007
float MGRead(int mg_pin)
  int i;
  float v = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < READ_SAMPLE_TIMES; i++) {
    v += analogRead(mg_pin);
  v = (v / READ_SAMPLE_TIMES) * 5 / 1024 ;
  return v;

/*****************************  MQGetPercentage **********************************
  Input:   volts   - SEN-000007 output measured in volts
         pcurve  - pointer to the curve of the target gas
  Output:  ppm of the target gas
  Remarks: By using the slope and a point of the line. The x(logarithmic value of ppm)
         of the line could be derived if y(MG-811 output) is provided. As it is a
         logarithmic coordinate, power of 10 is used to convert the result to non-logarithmic
int  MGGetPercentage(float volts, float *pcurve)
  if ((volts / DC_GAIN ) >= ZERO_POINT_VOLTAGE) {
    return -1;
  } else {
    return pow(10, ((volts / DC_GAIN) - pcurve[1]) / pcurve[2] + pcurve[0]);