Midi Controller 36 pots and 16 buttons w/ arduino uno

hi there,

new here :slight_smile: hoping to get some help buying the right parts to help me build my midi controller.

my main question right now is what is the best way to connect so many analog inputs to a arduino uno. i read the option to use a multiplexer or maybe a mux shield but are these able to send values from several knobs at the same time? it can happen that i use 2 knobs at the same time that go through a multiplexer. since it seems the multiplexer functions as a kind of switch of multiple analog inputs to one analog input on the arduino am i right that it's not possible to use 2 at the same time? or does it operate so fast it's not noticable?


No. Nothing in a single-core processor happens at the same time,
and nothing in a MiDi stream happens at the same time.

Reading 36 pots and 16 switches takes less than 4 milliseconds.

It seems you need four 74HC4067 multiplexer breakout boards.

that actually makes a lot of sense, and i just gained some extra knowledge over how this stuff operates. thanks much!

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