Hi, everybody...the king of Arduino's beginners is in the house!
I'm starting to develope a project to transform a MIDI sequence played from a DAW software (ABLETON LIVE), in a sequence of outputs signals from Digital ports of Arduino uno. Everything must be (of course) via USB in a continuos flux.
Someone has an experience about it? In details I'm not sure how can trasform the Arduino in a MIDI Port recognizable from may OSX and softhware (?)
Sorry don't know where it has gone. Copy it from here.
/* Midi Shield - Mike Cook May 2009
* -----------------
* listen for MIDI serial data,
* sends MIDI note on with push button on Pin 2
The MIDI Socket is connected to arduino RX through an opto-isolator to invert the MIDI signal
and separate the circuits of individual instruments.
//variables setup
byte incomingByte;
byte note;
byte button;
int noteDown = LOW;
int state=0; // state machine variable 0 = command waiting : 1 = note waitin : 2 = velocity waiting
byte channel = 1; // MIDI channel to respond to (in this case channel 2) change this to change the channel number
// MIDI channel = the value in 'channel' + 1
//setup: declaring inputs and outputs and begin serial
void setup() {
pinMode(13,OUTPUT); // LED to light up
pinMode(2,INPUT); // push button to read
digitalWrite(2,HIGH); // enable internal pull up resistors
button = digitalRead(2); // initialise push button state
state = 0; // initialise state machine variable
//start serial with MIDI baud rate 31250 or another standard speed for debugging
digitalWrite(13,LOW); // Turn LED off
//loop: wait for serial data, and interpret the message
void loop () {
checkIn(); // see if anything has arrived at the input
void checkButton(){
if(button != digitalRead(2)) { // only do stuff on a change
button = digitalRead(2); // get new state of button
if(button == HIGH) noteSend(0x80, 65, 0); else noteSend(0x90, 65, 127);
// plays a MIDI note
void noteSend(byte cmd, byte data1, byte data2) {
cmd = cmd | channel; // merge channel number
Serial.print((byte)cmd); // command
Serial.print((byte)data1); // note number
Serial.print((byte)data2); // velocity
void checkIn(){
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte = Serial.read();
switch (state){
case 0:
// look for as status-byte, our channel, note on
// if (incomingByte== (144 | channel)){ // un comment and comment the line below - to read only one channel
if ((incomingByte & 0xf0) == 0x90){ // this reads all channels
noteDown = HIGH;
// look for as status-byte, our channel, note off
// if (incomingByte== (128 | channel)){ // un comment and comment the line below - to read only one channel
if ((incomingByte & 0xf0) == 0x80){ // this reads all channels
noteDown = LOW;
case 1:
// get the note to play or stop
if(incomingByte < 128) {
state = 0; // reset state machine as this should be a note number
case 2:
// get the velocity
if(incomingByte < 128) {
doNote(note, incomingByte, noteDown); // do something withh the note on message
state = 0; // reset state machine to start
void doNote(byte note, byte velocity, int down){
// if velocity = 0 on a 'Note ON' command, treat it as a note off
if ((down == HIGH) && (velocity == 0)){
down = LOW;
// do something with the note message
// this just toggles Pin 13 and ignores the note value and velocity
if(down == LOW) digitalWrite(13, LOW); else digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
You can't use the hardware MIDI interface at the same time as you upload stuff. You have to switch it out. See the switches in my MIDI shield on my site.
ok I'll try ...at moment,loading your code, every midi note-on I'm gonna play goes out to digital port 13, but I'd need that 6 different Midi note goes out separately in 6 digital output.I'm sorry Mike, I hope to be enought clear... :~
Hello Mike,did you ever checked the polyphony? that's, the ability to play two or more notes simultaneously. My prototype didn't does, I must shift a little bit the timing of notes ... do you know why?
The glock can only trigger notes at the rate of the monostable. However if while the monostable is firing another note comes along then it will play that as well.
Hi Mike,
I have opened new thread and only later found this one. I'm usign your code and schematics for midi glockenspiel. It all works awesome straigt! Now question is coud I implement velocity with current setup or driver circuit would change? Thanks a bunch! Cheers
Hi! I thought I would add to this thread since it is exactly what I want to know. I want to assign specific midi note (Middle C) to a specific Digital out (Pin 7).
I have gotten to a point where I can read incoming midi messages from channel 16 but I don't know how to listen for an exact note (s).
This is what I have so far:
#include <MIDI.h> // Add Midi Library
#define REW 7 // Arduino Board LED is on Pin 7
//Create an instance of the library with default name, serial port and settings
void setup() {
pinMode (REW, OUTPUT); // Set Arduino board pin 13 to output
MIDI.begin(16); // Initialize the Midi Library.
void loop() { // Main loop
MIDI.read(); // Continuously check if Midi data has been received.
void MyHandleNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
digitalWrite(REW,HIGH); //Turn LED on
void MyHandleNoteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity) {
digitalWrite(REW,LOW); //Turn LED off
It sounds like you just need a couple of if statements in the NoteOn and NoteOff handlers. Have you tried anything at all? The note is given by the pitch value and middle C is 60.