Missing Keyboard.h

Have been programming the Arduino UNO and similar devices.
Fired up my IDE for a quick and dirty routine. Need to be able
to input from the keyboard. I coded it more than a year ago.
Today, found it failed to compile "could not find Keyboard.h"?
Found an update on the Arduino forum that states the ARDUION IDE no longer installs the keyboard.h library automatically.... OK, so I opened the Library Manager, found the keyboard.h file and installed it..... closed the IDE, reopend it but still reports it can't find Keyboard.h.. ???

Does the Keyboard library work with the Uno ?

From Keyboard - Arduino Reference

These core libraries allow the 32u4 and SAMD based boards (Leonardo, Esplora, Zero, Due and MKR Family) to appear as a native Mouse and/or Keyboard to a connected computer.

Which processor does the Uno have I wonder ?

mind the letter case: keyboard.h and Keyboard.h are not the same

Don't know... the board is an OSEPP UNO R3 that has been working OK. I also tried to load it to a NANO, same story. I've also discovered the IDE fails the compile as well.. (both boards)
Is it something in the air???

Read post #2 again.

? ? ?

Don't know what ?

From OSEPP - OSEPP™ Uno R3 Plus

This board uses the 8-bit, AVR, RISC-based ATmega328P microcontroller from Atmel.

You asked what processor was on the board I was hjaving issues with... if that wasn't you, sorry...

| UKHeliBob
November 29 |

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Don't know..

Don't know what ?

From OSEPP - OSEPP™ Uno R3 Plus

Maybe review:
Serial Input Basics - updated - Using Arduino / Introductory Tutorials - Arduino Forum

I did, and if you didn't know before then you know now

and what processors are can be used by the Keyboard library

Here is a forum with the answer Keyboard.h not working

This information was outdated. It is true that during the beta development phase of Arduino IDE 2.0.0, it did not, but all recent versions do automatically install the Keyboard library along with other fundamental libraries on the first run of the IDE.

Of course, this is not relevant for users of boards that aren't compatible with the Keyboard library such as yourself, but I think it is still worth adding for the sake of others who are able to use the Keyboard library.

Thank you!! I found the updated Keyboard,h file and installed on my PC.
Didn't change the behavior... still have a few more avenues to pursue. Thanks to ALL that responded!


Hey brother I have the same board.. same problems.. there isn't a fix that I've been able to find.. a few others gave me the run of the mill snarky comments about uno not supporting USB peripherals/keyboard emulation and to get a Leonardo.. sorry I'm not any help.. just letting you know your not alone

That is because there isn't one. The hardware simply doesn't provide this functionality. You will only waste your time trying to use the Keyboard library with the Uno.

If you are a masochist and your "Uno" board is genuine or a faithful clone with an ATmega16U2 USB chip (note that @miker's "OSEPP Uno" has an FTDI FT232RL USB chip, so this is not an option for them) , you could look into putting a custom firmware on the ATmega16U2 that uses its native USB capability to provide the keyboard emulation capability. Here is one option:

If you are even more of a masochist, you could look into a "bit-bang" USB implementation on the ATmega328P microcontroller of the Uno:

But really, if you want to progress with your project the best option is to just buy a Leonardo, Micro, etc. The Uno is an excellent board for other applications, but not this one.

No surprise there, because the Arduino board that you are using is not compatible with the library as has been pointed out multiple times in this topic

Thanks... what is even more sad is the dozen or so projects I've completed and may need
to be updated. Good luck with that. This a great diservice from the Arduino team!

You are failing to understand the situation. It is unreasonable to expect the impossible from the Arduino team. The ATmega328P microcontroller on the Uno simply doesn't have the capability you are looking for.

Your problem has nothing to do with Arduino "diservise"!
You have selected the wrong board for the project. Use the Leonardo and library will work!

If your previous projects used a Uno then they could never have worked with the Keyboard library