MKR GSM 1400 to convert a deskphone

Hi there,

I've been trying to find any information about if an idea I've had for a project is possible with this or any other module attached to an arduino and so far I haven't found anything. I want to convert an old 70s deskphone to a modern sim-based phone. I understand that GSM modules are usually for GPS and alerting and the docs for the GSM 1400 explicitly state that it can't connect devices for "real" calls. I was wondering if anyone has either found a way to make a phone work with a GSM module or if anyone knows if it is possible?

For my project I guess it would need to connect a board to the dial buttons, have a microphone and a speaker for the call (and possibly another speaker for the ringing).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

The MKR GSM library used with Arduino MKR GSM 1400 has almost everything needed to handle a voice call

GSMVoiceCall class

The missing part is that they did not offer the possibility of getting the voice audio in… see MKR GSM 1400 + headset, get speech during TALKING state - #2 by thedy

So you can speak but not listen….

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Thank you for your response! Are you aware of any other way or any other module that would allow a 2-way call? between my device and another phone?

there are many modules based on the SIM800 family with MIC & Headphone Jack... It's only GSM/GPRS so will work where this is still active.

here is an example Arduino kids phone (with SIM800) – Cassiopeia Ltd (never tried, first google hit)

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ok, i'll look into it. Thank you!

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