MKR NB 1500 Connection problems

my company has problems with the MKR NB 1500 board connecting to the network. We use a 1nce SIM and the board seems to not connect here in Italy. We have tested the NBScanNetworks sketch and the board does not see any network. We have readed on the forum that probably the U-blox chip on the board has not an updated firmware. It has a A.02.01 version. What is the latest firmware for the chip? Where we can find it and how to upload it? Can we have support from the Arduino Tech Support? We have even tried the form Contact Us but it seems to not work when we click "Submit".

Thank you!

After not receiving any response from the Arduino techs to the questions, I' ve decided to proceed independently: I've update the firmware of the SARA-R410M module of the MKR NB 1500 board to the latest officially available on the U-blox site [] even if on this forum the latest firmware that seems compatible with the MKR board is the A.02.16 that seems not available online (I've even tried to contact the U-blox support center but without success). The process were not so easy (I've soldered a USB cable on the board, installed the EasyFlash firmware update software and the Qualcomm drivers) but was successful. Then I've uploaded the sketch found under Examples->MKRNB->Tools->NBScanNetworks but it was not working. So I've readed the entire datasheet of the SARA-R410 chip and investigated on the MKRNB library and found that the library is not compatible with the latest firmware of the SARA chip nor with the firmware present on the chip originally (A.02.01). So I've modified the library and now the MKR NBV 1500 board works as expected even with the latest firmware (A.02.21). I don't know why Arduino sell a board without updating the firmware of the board (the A.02.01 firmware can't works with many NB/LTE cards) letting the users to try to update it with all the troubles that can comes. I know that the Arduino hardware is even for the hobbysts but this MKR board is suggested even for the PRO boards like the Edge Control board that we have to use and it is not conceivable to self-update the firmware of the board because like it is sold is not fully working. Despite it all now I've what I needed but I've "lost" a week to found out how to let it works.

Just a week "lost" is not much in a development process.. The firmware of the modem has nothing to do with Arduino, the lib MKRNB is open source etc. Anyway understand your anger (i "lost" around 4 month with that topic) and it seems you solved your problems now and this thread is not a question.

Hi Goliath,

I am running into the same issue you had. I am on version A.02.21. Could you please tell me what changes you made to the library to get everything working? Thanks.