ModBus implemntation

I have a motor controller EM-282c-48 that I would like to interface using the Modbus protocol.

After playing with multiple libraries I am having no success in receiving information from the controller, I have plugged in the official interface unit which is based on 386p and works as expected verifying the controller is outputting data.

I have attached the PDF protocol sheet from the manufacture.

Here is the example from the library I'm trying to use, but I really am open to anything.

 *  Modbus master example 2:
 *  The purpose of this example is to query an array of data
 *  from an external Modbus slave device.
 *  This example is similar to "simple_master", but this example
 *  allows you to use software serial instead of hardware serial
 *  in case that you want to use D1 & D2 for other purposes.
 *  The link media can be USB or RS232.
  The circuit:
 * software serial rx(D3) connect to tx pin of another device
 * software serial tx(D4) connect to rx pin of another device
 * In this example, we will use two important methods so that we can use
 * software serial.
 * 1. Modbus::Modbus(uint8_t u8id)
 * This is a constructor for a Master/Slave through USB/RS232C via software serial
 * This constructor only specifies u8id (node address) and should be only
 * used if you want to use software serial instead of hardware serial.
 * This method is called if you create a ModBus object with only on parameter "u8id"
 * u8id is the node address of the arduino that will be programmed on,
 * 0 for master and 1..247 for slave
 * for example: Modbus master(0); 
 * If you use this constructor you have to begin ModBus object by
 * using "void Modbus::begin(SoftwareSerial *softPort, long u32speed)".
 * 2. void Modbus::begin(SoftwareSerial *sPort, long u32speed)
 * Initialize class object.
 * This is the method you have to use if you construct the ModBus object by using 
 * Modbus::Modbus(uint8_t u8id) in order to use software serial and to avoid problems.
 * You have to create a SoftwareSerial object on your own, as shown in the example.
 * sPort is a pointer to your SoftwareSerial object, u32speed is the baud rate, in 
 * standard increments (300..115200)

 created long time ago
 by smarmengol
 modified 29 July 2016
 by Helium6072

 This example code is in the public domain.

#include <ModbusRtu.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

// data array for modbus network sharing
uint16_t au16data[16];
uint8_t u8state;

SoftwareSerial mySerial(8, 9);//Create a SoftwareSerial object so that we can use software serial. Search "software serial" on to find out more details.

 *  Modbus object declaration
 *  u8id : node id = 0 for master, = 1..247 for slave
 *  port : serial port
 *  u8txenpin : 0 for RS-232 and USB-FTDI 
 *               or any pin number > 1 for RS-485
Modbus master(0, mySerial); // this is master and RS-232 or USB-FTDI via software serial

 * This is an structe which contains a query to an slave device
modbus_t telegram;

unsigned long u32wait;

void setup() {
  mySerial.begin(9600);//use the hardware serial if you want to connect to your computer via usb cable, etc.
  master.start(); // start the ModBus object.
  master.setTimeOut( 2000 ); // if there is no answer in 2000 ms, roll over
  u32wait = millis() + 1000;
  u8state = 0; 

void loop() {
  switch( u8state ) {
  case 0: 
    if (millis() > u32wait) u8state++; // wait state
  case 1: 
    telegram.u8id = 1; // slave address
    telegram.u8fct = 4; // function code (this one is registers read)
    telegram.u16RegAdd = 41201; // start address in slave
    telegram.u16CoilsNo = 3; // number of elements (coils or registers) to read
    telegram.au16reg = au16data; // pointer to a memory array in the Arduino

    master.query( telegram ); // send query (only once)
  case 2:
    master.poll(); // check incoming messages
    if (master.getState() == COM_IDLE) {
      u8state = 0;
      u32wait = millis() + 2000; 
        Serial.println(au16data[0]);//Or do something else!
         Serial.println(au16data[1]);//Or do something else!
          Serial.println(au16data[2]);//Or do something else!
           Serial.println(au16data[3]);//Or do something else!
            Serial.println(au16data[4]);//Or do something else!
            Serial.println(au16data[5]);//Or do something else!

Modbus_common_part_12.8.2019.pdf (392 KB)

Try to read address 1201 instead of 41201. Many PLCs use the first digit to distinguish the different register types.

Post a wiring diagram of your setup!

Request the error state:

  uint8_t error_code = master.getLastError();

and print it out. Post results.

yes, you were correct, it was an address issue.

I used a logic analyzer to inspect and noticed the 41201 did not match the 0x04 0xB0 bytes that the documentation specified.

I dropped the 4 as suggested, and received 31201 0x04 0xB0 and the controller returned a result.

Thanks for the help.




  Basic.pde - example using ModbusMaster library

  Library:: ModbusMaster
  Author:: Doc Walker <>

  Copyright:: 2009-2016 Doc Walker

  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  You may obtain a copy of the License at

  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  limitations under the License.


#include <ModbusMaster.h>
#include "SoftwareSerial.h"
SoftwareSerial blue(8,9) ; // rx , tx 

// instantiate ModbusMaster object
ModbusMaster node;

void setup()
  // use Serial (port 0); initialize Modbus communication baud rate
  // communicate with Modbus slave ID 1 over Serial (port 0)
  node.begin(1, blue);

void loop()
  static uint32_t i;
  uint8_t j, result;
  uint16_t data[6];
  // set word 0 of TX buffer to least-significant word of counter (bits 15..0)
  node.setTransmitBuffer(1, highWord(i));
  // set word 1 of TX buffer to most-significant word of counter (bits 31..16)
  node.setTransmitBuffer(0, lowWord(i));
  // slave: read (6) 16-bit registers starting at register  to RX buffer
  result = node.readHoldingRegisters(1200, 10);
  // do something with data if read is successful
  if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess)
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
      data[j] = node.getResponseBuffer(j);