Hi all.
Im using servo for my project and not sure about using motor driver since my instructor told me to do so. He said that it has something to do with the current thing and also safety for the circuit.
Im using 'Tower Pro MG90S' for my servo and considering to use l298 or l293d driver from what I have googled about motor driver.
So.. Do I really need a motor driver between arduino uno and my servo? What does it exactly do to the circuit? Thank you
Servo's have their own built in drive electronics, you only need to supply a PWM-like signal, a 1mS to 2mS wide pulse that repeats at 50 Hz (20mS). L298 & L293 are not needed, just a 4.8V to 6V power source.
The servo has a motor diver built into it. All the servo needs is adequate power and a position signal. Your teacher may have meant that you need an external power supply as Arduino 5V is not adequate power if the servo is under any load. Budget, at least, 1 Amp per servo to be on the safe side. A 4 AA pack is adequate (6V).
The Arduino Servo library produces the appropriate control signals for a servo with simple commands like
You need to have a suitable 4.5v to 6v power supply for the servo.
You need to connect the power supply GND to the Arduino GND
You need to connect the servo signal wire to whichever Arduino pin you are using for myServo.attach()
I have a 5V and 1A power supply, is it enough to use for the servo's source? Since this MG90S is working in voltage 4,8V - 6V..
When does it actually need 4,8V voltage or reach its 6V voltage? Could you explain this? Thanks..
Btw, i have attached a circuit of arduino, servo, and its external power supply. Is it the right way that you guys mean by using an external power supply?
note:the attachment shows 2 servos, I only use 1 servo
When does it actually need 4,8V voltage or reach its 6V voltage?
That means that the servo will work when supplied with between 4.8 and 6.0 volts (and the supply can provide the required current). So your 5V 1A supply should be just fine. Supply voltage outside of that range could damage the servo or it may not work correctly.
The image shows the correct way to connect a servo with an external power supply.
Okk thanksss you're making it clear now!