Motorized two axis slider with moving camera head (4 stepper, 2 joysticks)

Hey folks,

similar to simple guidance: control 3 steppers with joystick - Project Guidance - Arduino Forum I want to build a camera-slider with rotating head.

I actually have:

  • Arduino Mega 2560
  • CNC Shield
  • 4x A4988
  • 4x Nema 17 Stepper Motor
  • Joystick knobs

One joystick should control two sliders. One horizontal, another one on the top of the plate vertical.
The other joystick should control the camera head in up, down and right, left.

Additional potentiometers were great add-ons two change the speed.

A future feature is the option to control this setup remotly. (over LAN)

Does my wiring looks correct?
And do you know some tutorials or examples that can help me to realise this project?

Please help me understand what you are calling a "slider". I see you have stepper motors pictured, but no picture of "slider".


Here is one such project.
His is for the slider only. You can use the concepts for driving the slider and apply it to swivel and tilt of the camera head, if you have the appropriate camera head.

A google search for "remote control camera slider arduino" turns up a surprisingly large number of results. Very popular project. I'm working on a focusing rail myself.

These stepper links may help
Stepper Motor Basics
Simple Stepper Code

also look up the AccelStepper library

and this joystick code may be of interest
