Hi guys, Can we use MPU 6050 for getting vibrational data?? Is there any code available for that??
Hi guys, Can we use MPU 6050 for getting vibrational data?? Is there any code available for that??
This is the first hit on Google using your search terms « MPU 6050 for getting vibrational data »
Did you try that and a few others? What did not work? Please provide context on your personal research and challenges, code attempt etc…
Or we will have to think you came here because Google is broken where you live and could not do that simple search yourself…
Don't be so rough, I want the data should be in hertz, the way we do FFT, I don't want that use accelerometer reading and then transform it to FFT. And logically google is working that's why I am here.
it's not about being "rough" (not sure what it means), it's how I received your ask and being factual about it and get you to think about your problem definition.
You already provided more information on what you are looking for - so we are getting closer to your needs. but it's still a one liner...
fundamentally the MPU 6050 does not deliver results in the time domain. There is an embedded Digital Motion Processor (DMP) which fuses the accelerometer and gyroscope data together to minimise the effects of errors inherent in each sensor. The DMP computes the results in terms of quaternions or Euler angles.
this library exposes much of the API, including some of the stuff from the DMP
My application is simple I just want that when I move the MPU, it should give me the vibrational reading. People generally use the accelerometer readings and then convert them into vibrational data using Fast Fourier Transform. I want direct vibrational readings.
why do you think people use FFT to get the vibrational data in the frequency domain?
I want direct vibrational readings
not sure what "direct" means ? the raw sensor values ?
The accelerometer produces direct acceleration measurements, including the acceleration due to gravity.
That is all it does. But here is a hint: vibrations cause the sensor to accelerate.
ok , thanks a lot
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