MPU6050 SparkFun Breakout to Arduino Uno - No data output

Hey guys.

I'm having a little trouble getting the MPU6050 to work. I'm sure I've connected everything correctly but I'm only getting the same data through (just '0' for the accel and gyro and a tempreture of 36.506 degrees).

I'm using the same code as this: Arduino Playground - MPU-6050

InvenSense MPU-6050
June 2012
WHO_AM_I : 68, error = 0
PWR_MGMT_2 : 0, error = 0

Read accel, temp and gyro, error = 0
accel x,y,z: 0, 0, 0
temperature: 36.506 degrees Celsius
gyro x,y,z : 0, 0, 0,

The I2C scanner picks out the device too.

IC Scanner
I2C device found at address 0x68  !

VCC and VIO to 3.3v
SCL to A5
SDA to A4

  • No resistors on anything.

Any ideas?

  • No resistors on anything.

Why not? You may need them, between A4 and ground and between A5 and ground. 4.7K

Ah, sorry. There's resistors on the breakout I believe.