Multimeter Diode mode

Can anyone give me tutorial to get multimeter diode mode reading using arduino and adc with lcd ?

Somewhere out there is the code for a full component tester , like the ones you see on eBay .

Google is your best friend

Thank you very much for your reply.

I don’t need component tester.

I want to get diode mode readings from arduino. Without using multimeter.


It is measuring the diode forward voltage: Diodes - SparkFun Learn

Hi, @rusiruneranjan

Have you Googled;

arduino diode tester

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

The diode test function on a multimeter is normally just a constant current source of a few milliamps. This current is passed through the diode, and the meter indicates the voltage across the diode.

You don't even need a constant current source, as a first attempt you could just connect a (say) 1kΩ resistor between +5V and an analogue input, connect the diode under test between the analogue input and ground, and just measure the voltage on the analogue input.

The Arduino component tester would give you the answers you need for a diode tester !!

If you just want to know if the diode “works” use a DPDT switch with an led /resistor/battery in series so you can switch the direction of the voltage - one way the led lights, the other it doesn’t .

Thank you very much for your support. I’ll go with these information and post here what I have done.

you would need to add a lcd display if you wish to use one.

Drop a "few" microamps from Vcc through a big resister; I'd try up to a MegOhm, to the component under test between an analoginput and ground.
If it is a silicon diode then you should get an ad value near 1023 x 0.7/4.5 = 160
If it is a 1.8 Volt red LED, you should see faint red and get near 1023 x 1.8/4.5 = 410
If it is a 2.6 Volt blue LED, you should see faint brilliant blue and get near 1023 x 2.6/4.5 = 590
The 4.5-ish Volts at VCC on mine when powered from USB may vary a little bit.

Once you can see sensible measured numbers on Serial.print on your computer, there are quite a few things to do to get the LCD displays to work.

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