Multiple password lengths #define

I am trying to create multiple length combinations of passwords to jump to a different unlock letter on the void loop within my keypad.. However I cannot define more than one password length, anyone see a way to get around this?
The code compiles, however it only allows the first

#define Password_Lenght 4 // Give enough room for chars + NULL char

To go through.. its as if it ignores the second

#define Password_Lenght2 4 // Give enough room for chars + NULL char
#include <Keypad.h>
#include <Wire.h> 
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>

#define Password_Lenght 4 // Give enough room for chars + NULL char
#define Password_Lenght2 4 // Give enough room for chars + NULL char

#define GPIO_ADDR   0x27
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 2, 1, 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, POSITIVE);    // set the LCD I2C address

char Data[Password_Lenght]; //  the number of chars it can hold + the null char = x
char Data2[Password_Lenght2]; //  the number of chars it can hold + the null char = x
char Master[Password_Lenght] = "12"; 
char Master2[Password_Lenght2] = "234";
byte data_count = 0, master_count = 0;
bool Pass_is_good;
char customKey;

const byte ROWS = 4;
const byte COLS = 4;
char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {

byte rowPins[ROWS] = 
{11,10,9,8}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {
  7,6,5,4}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

Keypad customKeypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS); //initialize an instance of class NewKeypad 

void setup()
  lcd.begin(16,2);// initialize the lcd 

void loop()
  lcd.print("Enter Letter");

  customKey = customKeypad.getKey();
  if (customKey) // makes sure a key is actually pressed, equal to (customKey != NO_KEY)
    Data[data_count] = customKey; // store char into data array
    lcd.setCursor(data_count,1); // move cursor to show each new char
    lcd.print(Data[data_count]); // print char at said cursor
    data_count++; // increment data array by 1 to store new char, also keep track of the number of chars entered

  if(data_count == Password_Lenght-1) // if the array index is equal to the number of expected chars, compare data to master
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

    if(!strcmp(Data, Master)) // equal to (strcmp(Data, Master) == 0)
      lcd.print("Letter: A");
    if(!strcmp(Data, Master2)) // equal to (strcmp(Data, Master) == 0)
      lcd.print("Letter: B");
      lcd.print("No Letter");
    delay(1000);// added 1 second delay to make sure the password is completely shown on screen before it gets cleared.

void clearData()
  while(data_count !=0)
  {   // This can be used for any array size, 
    Data[data_count--] = 0; //clear array for new data

To go through.. its as if it ignores the second

What is your evidence for this ?

You only use Password_Lenght2 twice in the program.


why different password lengths?

Basically each combination of numbers inputted into the keypad will read a different letter, however the combinations vary in length from 1 to 5.

HeliBob - does the data_count call upon the varying lengths.. putting a second here does not work:

if(data_count == Password_Lenght-1) // if the array index is equal to the number of expected chars, compare data to master
  if(data_count == Password_Lenght2) // if the array index is equal to the number of expected chars, compare data to master
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

    if(!strcmp(Data, Master)) // equal to (strcmp(Data, Master) == 0)
      lcd.print("Letter: A");
    if(!strcmp(Data, Master2)) // equal to (strcmp(Data, Master) == 0)
      lcd.print("Letter: B");
      lcd.print("No Letter");
    delay(1000);// added 1 second delay to make sure the password is completely shown on screen before it gets cleared.

The code compiles on screen, but in the setup (board infront of me) it ignores them. Sorry if thats not helpful.

if(data_count == Password_Lenght-1) // if the array index is equal to the number of expected chars, compare data to master
  if(data_count == Password_Lenght2) // if the array index is equal to the number of expected chars, compare data to master

Substituting the defined values we get

if(data_count == 4 - 1) 
  if(data_count == 4) 

So the second if can never be true

By the way, the nested ifs were not in the code you posted.

Sorry, whats ifs?
So could i create a custom data count? that varies for each Password_length ?

For a custom data count, don't use #define .

Sorry, whats ifs?

The ones at the top of the program snippet that you put in post #3

I can't help feeling that you are going about this the wrong way. Why not get the complete input from the user then compare it with a list of passwords ?