My first simple sketch don't work.

I want to control a LED with PWM and two push buttons. If you keep a button pressed it should be brighter with the "more button" and less bright with the "less button". Now nothing happens.

#define LED 9                    // PWM
#define more 2                   // two
#define less 4                   // buttons
byte val = 0;                    // variable for reading the pwm status

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);          // declare LED as PWM output
  pinMode(more, INPUT);          // declare pushbutton as input
  pinMode(less, INPUT);          // declare pushbutton as input  

void loop(){
  digitalRead(more);             // read button
  if (more == HIGH) {
    val = val + 5;                    // more pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);     
  if (less == HIGH) {
    val = val - 5;                    // less pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);
                                 //Later I want to show the value on a LCD

Hi Spruft,

Your sketch isn't using the value of the buttons, try changing:

digitalRead(more); // read button
if (more == HIGH) { // more is the pin number, not the value from digitalRead()
val = val + 5; // more pwm
analogWrite(LED, val);


if (digitalRead(more) == HIGH) {
val = val + 5; // more pwm
analogWrite(LED, val);

Also, your code will wrap, that is when the value exceeds 255 it will wrap around and start increment from 0. If that is not what you want you can add code that ignores increments / decrements if the value would increase above 255 or below 0

Thank you mem! It kind of works now.
I put Serial.println(val, DEC); at the end of the sketch and I noticed the value was floating around a bit and It didn't work to raise the value by holding the switch in (I don't have a switch, just wired the 5V through a 10KOhm to the pin). I had to poke it in and out and then "something" happened.

void loop(){                     
  if (digitalRead(more) == HIGH) {    // read value of button
    val = val + 1;                    // more pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);     
  if (digitalRead(less) == HIGH) {
    val = val - 1;                    // less pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);
    Serial.println(val, DEC);

Edit: Maby I should stick the buttons to analog in and only listen to values over 4.90V? I'll give it a try :o

download database dvb PMD_Integration_Astra_DataBase.db

Then that is your problem, get a switch fitted or just a wire that you dab on to the ground.
You won't need a pull up resistor if you do a digital write HIGH - AFTER you initialise that pin to an input in the setup.

Dabing to ground will give you a zero, un dabing will give you a one.

To use the analog input worked fine!

#define LED 6                    // PWM
int analog = 3;                // button
int analogPin = 1;                // button
byte val = 0;                    // variable for reading the pwm status

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);          // declare LED as PWM output
  pinMode(3, INPUT);          // declare pushbutton as input
  pinMode(1, INPUT);          // declare pushbutton as input

void loop(){                     
  if (analogRead(1) > 1000) {    // read value of button
    val = val + 5;                    // more pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);     
  if (analogRead(3) > 1000) {
    val = val - 5;                    // less pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);
    Serial.println(val, DEC);

BUT, I have to poke (dab?) the wire to the ground and each time the value increase about ~20. Shouldn't it just continue raising the value each time it goes through the loop and never stop?

If you want to implement a pushbutton, using an analog input doesn't make sense. You just want a PRESSED or NOT PRESSED result. Use a digital input. (Even if your "pushbutton" is a bit of wire that you stab, dab, touch, prod or poke against the breadboard.)

To wire a button to a digital input, you have two basic choices: wire your own pullup/pulldown resistor, or ask the Arduino controller to use its own pullup resistor. Grumpy_Mike was suggesting you try the second choice, since it was not clear if you were using any resistor at all. Without a pullup or pulldown resistor, the signal may "float" when the button is not pushed.

To ask the Arduino to use its own pullup resistors, try this setup:

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);          // declare LED as PWM output
  pinMode(more, INPUT);          // declare pushbutton as input
  pinMode(less, INPUT);          // declare pushbutton as input
  digitalWrite(more, HIGH);       // use internal pullup feature
  digitalWrite(less, HIGH);          // use internal pullup feature

Now your switch or button should be wired between the GROUND and the INPUT pin of your choice. When pressed, the input value will be LOW due to the connection to ground. When not pressed, the input value will be HIGH due to the pullup resistor.

Yes! It's alive! Thank you Halley. I have to look up what this internal pull up resistor is.
I changed to if (digitalRead(more) == LOW) and it works.

Now it would be good to make the byte value not wrap.

Edit: Hmm something isn't right. Both switches makes the value go up?

#define LED 6                     // PWM
int more = 12;                    // button
int less = 13;                    // button
byte val = 0;                     // variable for reading the pwm status

void setup() {
  pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);                // declare LED as PWM output
  pinMode(more, INPUT);                // declare pushbutton as input
  pinMode(less, INPUT);                // declare pushbutton as input
  digitalWrite(more, HIGH);        // use internal pullup feature
  digitalWrite(less, HIGH);        // use internal pullup feature

void loop(){                    
  if (digitalRead(more) == HIGH) {        // read value of button
    val = val + 5;                    // more pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);    
  if (digitalRead(less) == HIGH) {
    val = val - 5;                    // less pwm
    analogWrite(LED, val);
    Serial.println(val, DEC);

The logic looks right if you replace HIGH with LOW (assuming pressing the button causes the voltage to go to zero).

To stop it wrapping, check in each if statement to see if the new value will wrap:

if(val + 5 > val) // this will only be true if it doesn't wrap
val = val + 5;


if(val - 5 < val) // this will only be true if it doesn't wrap
val = val - 5;

Edit: It works now!! Probably something with the brackets.

if (digitalRead(more) == HIGH)  // read value of button
    if(val != 255)
    val = val + 1;     
    analogWrite(LED, val);        // write value  

HAPPY! ;D this is just the beginning!


if ((digitalRead(more) == HIGH) && (val != 255))  // read value of button
    val = val + 1;     
    analogWrite(LED, val);                         // write value 
    Serial.println(val, DEC);

This is even better! And I put Serial.println inside the if statement so it isn't flooding.