Nano 33 BLE pull-up resistors on i2c

Because the internal variant is not accessible via pins. The pins that are available are those i'm using now and have no pull-ups installed...

Ok, sorry to be a bother.
Been reading around - that facility appears to be stuffed, and back-burnered. (That's not definitive, just my take away.)

On ESP32 sda and scl can be specified (e.g. Wire.h(8,12) ). Suspecting that won't work here, though. If you call Wire.h and scl doesn't waggle then that's that.

I wonder the wisdom behind this Wire1 thing and then having that 'inaccessible'.
A challenge would be tapping scl1 sda1, at the resistors and routing to these 'external' pins (after isolating them).

You're no bother at all. Thanks for taking the time.
I have just measured the new one both SDA as SCL give 3.3V whilst being powered by the same powersource as the soldered one. So something is wrong with my soldering (perhaps a spatter somewhere i cant see) or the board is broken. I will desolder it and find out and keep you updated here.

I'm very sorry, but that remark about 5V was for another topic !
Use 3.3V for the TCA9548A as you did.

I had to desolder the TCA9548A board completely from the pcb to be sure that there wasnt a solder spatter somewhere i didnt see. After that time consuming action, i measured the voltages again. Same problem. The board is broken. I will replace it and see what will happen and report back here.

After busy days i finally got to the point of replacing and testing. I ended up soldering 'shoes' (i don't know how they are called in english (sockets?) ) and then push the TC9548A in to keep soldering to the board to a minimum.
I tested the setup without the pull-ups first: it worked directly. Both the SDA as the SCL on the TCA9648A give 3.3V.

So no pull-ups are required between the Arduino 33 BLE and the TCA9548A. If you are experiencing what i did (not found) then you most likely have to replace the board.
I advice the shoes/sockets (or however they are called).

Thank you all!

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