nano pin 13 out

Hi all newbie here
I am trying to get the nano to flash a led from pin 13 the code compiles and run but flashes the internal led only. My code is simple but I have now become confused

int led1 = 13;
// put your setup code here, to run once
void setup() {
pinMode(led1 , OUTPUT);

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(led1 , HIGH);
digitalWrite(led1 , LOW);

Turn the LED around.

did that checked the led anode to pin 13 cathode to gnd. My career was in electronics hardware not to much programing

Something is wrong with your hookup then.

There is virtually no difference between the physical header and where the on-board LED is connected. (Just a buffer, on later boards.)

What value of current limiting resistor are you using and are you sure your breadboard doesn't have split rails.

HI All
well the mystery deepens careful check orientating prob. ( dope slap) nothing, OK did my ageing eyes miss read the color code (dope slap) change and verify 330 ohms my Fluke DMM drives enough current to light the led when forward biased OK, result nothing. With DMM at pin 13 reference to pin 29 GND there is no state change at pin 13!
do I have a defective nano? I have ordered a uno. I am doing this because my Grandson got a Arduino and wants to learn how

Ah ha. Pin 13 marked D13 in white on the silkscreen or pin 13 of the ATMEGA328P chip ?
And the pin 29 you refer to ?

You're not trying to derive pin numbers like you would on a DIP package or something, are you? Pin D13 is in the corner by the USB connector; they're numbered based on their functionality on the original larger boards, not based on either the chip pin number or the DIP pin number on the nano.
Use a diagram like:

(the numbers that the software uses are the ones on the outside...)

Hi all
I am using pin 13 (D10) on board ref to pin 29 GND as labeled on the board

You should use the pin marked 'd13' not the one marked 'd10' if, in your sketch, you have the statement:
That is what the white numbering is for !