I am trying to use the Arduino IDE to program timings for a component, but the component requires a delay of 40 ns Max for a timing. Is there anyways i can generate this delay with a library, or is there already one in the preinstalled libraries?
I think you need to re-phrase your query. The IDE is simply a shell that gives the programmer a fancy view plus a few programmer tools but when you press verify or upload the CLI command does the actual work.
that's the Rise Time and Fall Time when you toggle a pin, you don't control those, it's a characteristic of your MCU (and depending on pull ups, capacitance attached at the pin)
The clock speed is 16mhz, which has a minimum delay of 62.5 ns (i think?), is this still suitable for the component, and if so, how do i generate this delay?
The Rise time and Fall time are both below the minimum delay time, but based on one of your earlier replies i assumed that it would be fine, or am i confused?
As @J-M-L already pointed out in #3, you missinterpret the datasheet. There is no need to create a delay of 40ns. Rise- and fall times cannot be influenced by software. That's HW specific. If they are too slow, a delay will not help. But the risetime of a 386P output should definitely be less than 40ns.
System Clock Frequency : 16 000 0000 Hz
==> Period of i Cycle = 1/16 000 0000 = 0.0000000625 s = 62.5 ns
Use TC1 of UNO as Counter1 to count 1 CPU cycle. Hints:
TCCR1A = 0x00;
TCCR1B = 0x00;
TCNT1 = 65535; // fullCount = presetCount + actualCount
Start TC1 with prescaler 1.
Check when the TOV1 assumes HIGH state indicating the elapse of 62.5 ns time.
Use Oscilloscope to view the output.