Need help to move a thread

I accidentally began a thread in the wrong forum. I meant to post my thread in the General forum but somehow it ended up in the NANO 33 forum.

Can someone move this thread:

into the General Forum?

Thank you!

Flag the thread and ask a moderator to move it.

Thank you for that advice.

The other topic has been moved to the Programming category

Either you can move the post. To move a post, you need to select the new category up here.

I am a bit confused, it doesn't show something in addition to the title, where you can postpone it?

To move a topic, view the topic and click the black pencil next to the title; you will be able to change the title and you will be able to move it to another category by clicking the dropdown and selecting another category. Next save the topic by clicking the V button.

There are some limitations that are depening on trust level.

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