I'm a newbie in this world of Arduino, i'm trying to create a simple remote control using Arduino Uno but i'm stucking at an early step since nearly two weeks,my problem is that the IR emitter doesn't seems to send anything (i checked this with smartphone camera, the led remains off).
1 / I started with simple circuit IR transmitter connected to pin 3 and gnd ( and also with different resistor 100ohm, 220 ohm ...)
(arduino powered from pc through usb)
i have tested with 2 differents IR Transmitter which i removed from old remote control
2 / Later i have added a transistor 2N2222 and used this
I which that someboday could help me ! Thank you in advance
I'm using this code to begin :
#include <IRremote.h>
IRsend irsend;
void setup()
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
irsend.sendNEC(0x2FD08F7, 32);
Serial.println("sending ir"); // this help me as a beginner to see if my code is been executing
delay(2000); //5 second delay between each signal burst
Hello Sir, and thank you for taking the time to read and reply
i used this circuit in fact (tried also to inverse transistor pin, as mine is 2N2222 NPN)
Please, schematics, not pictures like that. It calls for reverse engineering that cost time and forces helpers to create schematics. Try again.
I doubt a digital pin will provide enough current. Designed current is 20 mA. Absolut maximum current is 40 mA, llikely damaging the controller.
Hi again, sorry i don't know if this website allow me to make schematics, but i used the known website circuit.io and here is the circuit that i have used (if you can please open it) :
"Your" circuit uses separate pins for 38kHz carrier and for modulation. Another phrase for that is "externally gated carrier". So, is the library configured or capable for that?
I agree, diagrams like in reply #3 just give me a headache. Please do post a real diagram that you have made.
It seems to me, your problem is that you have "mixed and matched" two different transmit configurations.
The IRremote.h library underwent a major change with v3.0, and lots of things don't work as they did before. You might want to consider deleting your v3.8 and installing instead v2.8.1. I was never able to get v3.8 to work, and the Examples were no help. Others here will know more about this than I do, but I think I am not alone in going back to v2.8.
Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, i will try this immediately and let you know
PS: today unfortunately i tried to remove the 1Kohm resistor from the circuit above and i burned an IR transmitter (maybe i got a short circuit or maybe it didn't support the current) still have another emitter to test with
I feel like i'm still beginner to build a circuit by my own : Would it be possible to suggest a schematic with this component : arduino uno, transistor 2n2222, resistors, ir emitter, breadboard)
I'm aiming to make a kind of remote control that can works with many devices (old streamium philips using RC5 protocol, an air conditionner on JVC protocol ...etc) , all of theses devices i lost their remote controls
I don't know how to thank you All !!!!!!!!!!!! That worked finally the circuit is working on my TV
once i used Mr "aarg" schematic , nothing still happened so i concluded that my 2 IR emitter were defectives, so i took the risk and broke my dvd player remote control and used it's IR emitter and for the first time a got a light from the LED
Finally i updated the IRremote library from 2.8.0 to 3.9.0 ( to check if the last version is working or not) and the IR emitter doesn't repond anymore.
So during the last 2 weeks i faced 3 problems ( wrong schematic + defectives IR emitter + problem with IRremote library )
I will move forward now to Bruteforce and try all the known Philips devices remote control, hope i will fall on one that will work with my NP2900 Streamium, i hope i won't bother you ^^
Oh no sorry i meant i tested them one by one : i was too unlucky that both of them were defectives (not responding now with the known good schematic/code)