I am testing with a NEO7 GPS Module.
I am trying to display on an OLED display the current fix (2D or 3D)
I am using tinygpsplus library.
Is there any way to do that with this library?
I have search and i find how to display sats,alt,lat,long,time,date,course,speed but i can not find any function to display fix.
Here is my code:
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C
#include "SSD1306Ascii.h"
#include "SSD1306AsciiAvrI2c.h"
#include <TinyGPS++.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#define ARDUINO_GPS_RX 3
#define ARDUINO_GPS_TX 4
#define GPS_BAUD 9600
#define gpsPort ssGPS
#define SerialMonitor Serial
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x3C
TinyGPSPlus tinyGPS;
SSD1306AsciiAvrI2c oled;
void setup()
oled.begin(&Adafruit128x64, I2C_ADDRESS);
void loop()
static const double LONDON_LAT = 51.508131, LONDON_LON = -0.128002;
oled.setCursor(0, 0);
void printGPSInfo()
SerialMonitor.print(tinyGPS.location.lat(), 2);
SerialMonitor.print(tinyGPS.location.lng(), 2);
oled.print("Lat : "); oled.println(tinyGPS.location.lat(), 2);
oled.print("Long : "); oled.println(tinyGPS.location.lng(), 2);
oled.print("Alt : "); oled.println(tinyGPS.altitude.meters(), 2);
oled.setCursor(60, 70);
// oled.print("Fix: "); oled.println(tinyGPS.isValid());
oled.setCursor(75, 0);
oled.print("Sats: "); oled.println(tinyGPS.satellites.value(), DEC);
oled.print("Dir: ") ;oled.println(tinyGPS.course.deg(), 0);
oled.print("Km: "); oled.println(tinyGPS.speed.kmph(), 0);
static void smartDelay(unsigned long ms)
unsigned long start = millis();
while (gpsPort.available())
} while (millis() - start < ms);
void printDate()
void printTime()
if (tinyGPS.time.minute() < 10) oled.print('0');
if (tinyGPS.time.second() < 10) oled.print('0');
i can not find any function to display fix.
Whats 'fix' ?
I mean to show fix 2D or 3D on display
For instance
oled.println(tinyGPS.location.lat(), 2); prints latitude
oled.println(tinyGPS.location.lng(), 2); prints longtitude
oled.println(tinyGPS.altitude.meters(), 2);prints altitude
on my OLED display.
So i ask if there is any function to show GPS Fix (No Fix or 2D or 3D) according to the GPS module.
So i ask if there is any function to show GPS Fix (No Fix or 2D or 3D) according to the GPS module.
The documentation for TinyGPS++ appears to say there is no actual built in function to identify 2D or 3D.
However as the documentation also makes clear you can extract any bit of data from any GPS sentence with a custom definition.
Read the documentation for an explanation.
The documentation for TinyGPS++ appears to say there is no actual built in function to identify 2D or 3D.However as the documentation also makes clear you can extract any bit of data from any GPS sentence with a custom definition.
Read the documentation for an explanation.
Thank you.
Can i get in serial monitor all satellites ids that in use?
This page details the NMEA GPS sentences.
The GSA and GSV sentences contain satellite information.
This page has information on the custom NMEA sentence extraction capability of the TinyGPS++ library.
I have seen this page and i have found a lot of info.
But with this library i can extract data only from GSA and GSV sentences?
Is there any sketch to upload to my arduino UNO and to be able to see in the serial monitor all the sentences from which i can export data?
I found that the below sentences are used for GPS.
$GPAAM - Waypoint Arrival Alarm
$GPALM - GPS Almanac Data
$GPAPA - Autopilot Sentence "A"
$GPAPB - Autopilot Sentence "B"
$GPASD - Autopilot System Data
$GPBEC - Bearing & Distance to Waypoint, Dead Reckoning
$GPBOD - Bearing, Origin to Destination
$GPBWC - Bearing & Distance to Waypoint, Great Circle
$GPBWR - Bearing & Distance to Waypoint, Rhumb Line
$GPBWW - Bearing, Waypoint to Waypoint
$GPDBT - Depth Below Transducer
$GPDCN - Decca Position
$GPDPT - Depth
$GPFSI - Frequency Set Information
$GPGGA - Global Positioning System Fix Data
$GPGLC - Geographic Position, Loran-C
$GPGLL - Geographic Position, Latitude/Longitude
$GPGSA - GPS DOP and Active Satellites
$GPGSV - GPS Satellites in View
$GPHDG - Heading, Deviation & Variation
$GPHDT - Heading, True
$GPHSC - Heading Steering Command
$GPLCD - Loran-C Signal Data
$GPMTA - Air Temperature (to be phased out)
$GPMTW - Water Temperature
$GPMWD - Wind Direction
$GPMWV - Wind Speed and Angle
$GPOLN - Omega Lane Numbers
$GPOSD - Own Ship Data
$GPR00 - Waypoint active route (not standard)
$GPRMA - Recommended Minimum Specific Loran-C Data
$GPRMB - Recommended Minimum Navigation Information
$GPRMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/TRANSIT Data
$GPROT - Rate of Turn
$GPRPM - Revolutions
$GPRSA - Rudder Sensor Angle
$GPRSD - RADAR System Data
$GPRTE - Routes
$GPSFI - Scanning Frequency Information
$GPSTN - Multiple Data ID
$GPTRF - Transit Fix Data
$GPTTM - Tracked Target Message
$GPVBW - Dual Ground/Water Speed
$GPVDR - Set and Drift
$GPVHW - Water Speed and Heading
$GPVLW - Distance Traveled through the Water
$GPVPW - Speed, Measured Parallel to Wind
$GPVTG - Track Made Good and Ground Speed
$GPWCV - Waypoint Closure Velocity
$GPWNC - Distance, Waypoint to Waypoint
$GPWPL - Waypoint Location
$GPXDR - Transducer Measurements
$GPXTE - Cross-Track Error, Measured
$GPXTR - Cross-Track Error, Dead Reckoning
$GPZDA - Time & Date
$GPZFO - UTC & Time from Origin Waypoint
$GPZTG - UTC & Time to Destination Waypoint
Does anyone know if the TinyGPS++ library can extract data from all these sentences?
As I posted in #4 and a direct quote from the documentation,
Custom NMEA Sentence Extraction
One of the great new features of TinyGPS++ is the ability to extract arbitrary data from any NMEA or NMEA-like sentence. Read up on some of the interesting sentences there are out there, then check to make sure that your GPS receiver can generate them.
What are you interpreting the above as meaning ?
Which of those sentences does the GPS unit output? TinyGPS++ can only extract information from the sentences that the GPS unit actually outputs. You can change the sentences that the GPS outputs using the u-center utility. You will need a USB to TTL serial converter (FTDI) to, directly, connect the GPS to a PC to use u-center.
Which of those sentences does the GPS unit output? TinyGPS++ can only extract information from the sentences that the GPS unit actually outputs. You can change the sentences that the GPS outputs using the u-center utility. You will need a USB to TTL serial converter (FTDI) to, directly, connect the GPS to a PC to use u-center.
So i can not see what sentences does the gpss module output via arduino?
Only if i connect it to PC directly?
That is not what I said. To use the u-center utility, you need to connect to the PC. To see what the GPS module is outputting, run the below sketch. Serial monitor will show the sentences output. Set serial monitor baud rate to 115200.
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 4); // RX, TX
void setup()
void loop()
if (mySerial.available())
That is not what I said. To use the u-center utility, you need to connect to the PC. To see what the GPS module is outputting, run the below sketch. Serial monitor will show the sentences output. Set serial monitor baud rate to 115200.#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 4); // RX, TX
void setup()
void loop()
if (mySerial.available())
Thank you