Newbie here, need assistant on interfacing a microphone to speaker?

Hey people.

First of all, I am not making a project or anything complicated. Im just trying to learn electronics. I am trying to find a way to interface a microphone to a speaker. The question is can I directly connect them with wires without any circuit? If I need a circuit can you point me to one? After connecting the microphone to speaker then I want to take the output from microphone and connect to arduino ADC and use analogread() and map() to see the output voltage from microphone.

Thanks, hope to get some help.

The question is can I directly connect them with wires without any circuit?

You can do this but what do you expect it to do?
There is not enough voltage out of a microphone to make the speaker make a sound.

To do this you need an audio amplifier between the two.

After connecting the microphone to speaker then I want to take the output from microphone and connect to arduino

No once you have sound coming out of a speaker it is not suitable for connecting to an arduino.

To connect a microphone to a speaker you need a high gain operational amplifier and the sort of set up shown here:-

No once you have sound coming out of a speaker it is not suitable for connecting to an arduino.

Why is it not suitable? For example I connect the microphone to speaker. And also I take a wire out of the microphone output not the speaker and connect to arduino. Will it be ok?

Thank you very much grumpy_mike. :slight_smile:

It will be unsuitable because it will have negative-going components, unless you add a DC offset.

The other reason it is not suitable is because the voltage needed to drive a speaker is a small voltage with large current where as that needed to drive an arduino is a largish voltage (5V peak to peak) with very little current capacity.
Both need an amplifier but of different types.
It is possible to connect the same microphone to two different amplifiers and connect one to a speaker and the other to the arduino.