good afternoon, im having trouble communicating with the tda7419 audio chip. im not getting any audio from any output. i verified my two test signals going into se0 and se1. i ve read the datasheet which is very vague and didnt get much back from a search. the datasheet says the slave is 1000100x(w/r) . so i send 0x88 for a write then 0x40 , then 0xf1 for the source selection of se1 and no auto zero and nothing.. so i tried optioning all the registers together then separately and still nothing.. im assuming its not recognizing the slave address or im doing something extremely wrong. i can post a portion of the code if need be, thanks
I would start by scanning the i2c bus and see what is attached.
Thnx, how do i scan it for the proper slave address?? Someone had suggested 0x44 for the address but that didnt work either..
Did you run the i2cScanner sketch? It cycles through all the addresses and displays the ones where a device is found. That will confirm your slave address (or not)
Im using a pic16f726.. ill run a macro thru 0x02-0xff and see when i rcv an ack from the tda.. so far im getting a nack when using 0x88 or 0x44. One more thing... do i run each option consevtively or separately??
i ran a subroutine to check slave address and it came back with 10001000 (0x88) for writes. so now i know reads are 10001001 (0x89)
still no audio output,
i think i found my problem.. im not getting any ack's back after the slave address... the chip will ack the first byte and thats it....
should auto zero remain bit 6 of the subaddress be set or cleared? and auto zero bit 7 of main selector?? still no audio... i read another post that said it can cause unwanted mutes at the output??
still figuring out this chip... i got the inputs to work sometimes.. its really fickle like the chip can determine se0 or se1 .. when they do work, i only get lf and lr outputs, no subs and no rear. i assume all outputs should work no matter what input im using???