When i asked if anybody has been able to find a way, I was implying that I would like to know what that method was.
Simply saying Yes, of course, yup, sure, it's been done, why wouldn't it work, some1 must have done it, it's been done, it's possible, i did, i know some1 who did.... etc those statements are of no help to me or anybody else on this forum unless accompanied with the actual explanation of the method. The same applies for "Hints", please spend the extra calories and type out clearer statement of the solution or idea you are suggesting.
The same applies for non-constructive criticism of others' Ideas/suggestions/methods regarding this topic.
Also I posted this topic to find a method regarding NO-INTERRUPT methods, there are plenty of reasons I or anybody else visiting this post might have to not use an interrupt function, I would like to keep the scope of this topic intact and well directed towards the problem in hand. Not to try and turn the topic to an Interrupt Dependent method. there are plenty of those around the forum, posting this would be pointless if we aim in that direction.
I know this is coming out strong and very rude of me and I apologize in advance for what i said, but it is necessary to define those points in order to get somewhere.

As for the frequency to voltage conversion, that sounds like a great idea! please correct me if I'm mistaken:
The purpose of this method is to read the RPM as an analog input whenever desired.
Step 1) Attaching the pulse source (In this case a Hall-Effect Sensor) to a stable pulse source with a constant pulse width (in this case a 555 timer) that gets activated every time it receives a pulse from the first source.
That is, the 555 timer would convert the hall-effect sensor's pulse with irregular width to a pulse with a known certain width while in the same time maintaining the same frequency at which the hall-effect sensor is generating it's pulses.
So now we have a train of pulses with a certain known width, this train varies in frequency depending on the RPM.
if rpm increases, the frequency would increase.
if rpm decreases, the frequency would decrease.
Step 2) Now what we need to do is interpret the frequency in terms of voltage:
We use a F/V (Frequency to Voltage converter) such as TC9400 to convert that frequency to an analog voltage.
if frequency increases, the analog voltage output of the F/V increases.
if frequency decreases, the analog voltage output of the F/V decreases.
Step 3) Finally, we connect the analog voltage to an analog input pin on the Arduino and read it.
Concerns regarding this method that hopefully might be answered by me or somebody else through testing or previous experience:
A) Is Step 1 necessary ? or is the F/V able to function properly using non-uniform width pulses generated by the hall-effect sensor.
B) Is there a lower/upper limit to the frequency tested? or does this method work for very low and very high frequencies. And what is your definition of Very low and Very high?
C) How wide should the pulses be at the end of Step 1? That is, to what duration should we set the 555 timer to be on for each pulse entered to it.
D) Most importantly, Does this method work?
Other Ideas, Methods, Schemes anybody has any experience with to achieve measurement of RPM (or Speed, Revolutions... etc) WITHOUT using an interrupt function are all welcome and encouraged !!!