If I'm using an Arduino or an ESP8266 NodeMCU board and have it connected to a power supply, how can I set up a backup battery?
Let's consider a scenario: the board has been running on the power supply for one year, and then a power outage occurs. In this situation, I want the board to switch to a backup battery, not necessarily for an extended period, but just long enough to send a notification indicating a power outage.
Please note that the battery is not rechargeable and is meant to be in place solely as a fail-safe measure in case of power failure.
What components or methods can I use to accomplish this?
the point is while battery not used, not to discharge it
Why Schottky diodes as opposed to regular? As long as both the external supply is a slightly higher voltage won't the Arduino just run on that, but if it drops low or out the batteries take over?